Dela via

OneNote Mac is now available for free (Fun Video)

David Meego - Click for blog homepageOneNote is a great tool for storing and sharing ideas, but until recently users of Mac computers could not join in the fun.

The OneNote engineering team have found a great way to announce the launch of OneNote Mac.

OneNote Mac - The Song [Parody of One Day More from Les Misérables] (Direct Link)



Don't know about you, but I think the OneNote Mac version of the song is excellent.

If you have not seen Les Misérables, then here is a taste of the real song from the 10th Anniversary Concert performance with the dream cast.

One Day More! - Les Misérables - 10th Anniversary Concert (Direct Link)



For more serious information on OneNote Mac have a read of the following blog posts and the OneNote website:


You can now enjoy OneNote on Windows Desktop, Windows App, Windows Phone, Web, iPad, iPhone, Android and now Mac.
