Dela via

Dex - Illegal address for field 'System Database Name' exception

David Meego - Click for blog homepageYesterday, I had a comment posted on the Updating Dexterity code for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 post asking about getting an illegal address error after upgrading code to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and launching into Test Mode.

The error message was:

Unhandled script exception:
Illegal address for field 'System Database Name' in script 'GetSystemDatabaseName'. Script terminated.


I have seen this type message before on previous upgrades and it is caused by a minor mistake in the upgrade process, which then fails to add new global fields to the upgraded development dictionary.


The solution is discussed in the post below which was created for version 10.0 and updated for GP 2010 and GP 2013: 


Hope this helps you avoid or overcome this issue. 

