Dela via

Plot Twists and Pivotal Moments are on the Menu for Taco Stacker; Catch Up on the StartupLife Series

This post is part of an ongoing series of videos inspired by the community and brought to you by BizSpark. Share your own #StartupLife experiences on Twitter for a chance to be featured in our next Vine video. Start-up life can be tough, BizSpark is there to help.  

If you missed the last couple of episodes of our series, there is a lot to catch up on! The Taco Stacker founder's nightmares begin to take shape in real life and the company runs into a financial dead end. Follow the journey on what's been happening and follow us on twitter to see the episodes as they happen.

Episode 13


How does your start-up make the connection between your product and bringing in revenue? That seems to be the timeless question. Whether it's a simple or complicated process, it's a puzzle that all start-ups must solve.

Episode 14


One minute you're on cloud nine from receiving funding and the next minute you overdraft your bank account! If the start-up life were easy, everyone would do it, right? Looks like Taco Stacker has reached a pivotal turning point...

Episode 15


The founder of Taco Stacker wishes he were just dreaming, but it's really happening! What do you think is more important, getting in the market first or having the highest quality product? 

Episode 16


The end comes quickly when your bank account is depleted! On the bright side, at least now he can start fresh. What's next for Taco Stacker and Banana Stacker? Stay tuned...

Do you have some insight into the start-up lifestyle? Share your anecdotes, stories, and ideas using the  #StartupLife  hashtag on Twitter for a chance to be featured in our next Vine video. Want to scale your startup? Connect with us on Twitter @BizSpark for resources and tips on growing your business. The start-up lifestyle can be tough, BizSpark is there to make it a little easier.