Dela via

Founder Starts His Climb From the Bottom in the StartupLife Series

This post is part of an ongoing series of videos inspired by the community and brought to you by BizSpark. Share your own #StartupLife experiences on Twitter for a chance to be featured in our next Vine video. Start-up life can be tough, BizSpark is there to help.  

Pitfalls are part of any start-ups journey and the Taco Stacker founder is no exception. The last we saw him in our series, the founder just lost his partner, funding and office space. Get caught up on what he's doing now and see how much you may have in common his story.


Episode 17

The only positive aspect of being in the dumps is knowing that you're not there alone! Looks like Banana Stacker's risk didn't payoff. Have you ever celebrated your competition's shortcomings? 

Episode 18

The two words that can fix everything: "I'm sorry!" Would you forget the past and move forward or is this too big of a hurdle to pass? Whatever the choice, these two pioneers are starting fresh.


Episode 19

When starting from scratch after some rough times, it's often best to put the past completely behind you. On the bright side, knowing what you don't want to do is a step in the right direction!


Episode 20

That awkward moment when you learn your target demographic is actually you. The silver lining is that no one can market to you better than you! Would you rather sell your idea to people just like you or completely different?


Episode 21

Sometimes the best method for idea generation is trial and error. As this start-up found out, that can be much easier said than done!


Episode 22

Taking a risk for your start-up is one thing, this is something completely different! These guys are going to stick to the programming from now on.


Do you have some insight into the start-up lifestyle? Share your anecdotes, stories, and ideas using the  #StartupLife  hashtag on Twitter for a chance to be featured in our next Vine video. Want to scale your startup? Connect with us on Twitter @BizSpark for resources and tips on growing your business. The start-up lifestyle can be tough, BizSpark is there to make it a little easier.