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64 bits ought to be enough for everybody [TextAnalysisTool.NET update for .NET 2.0 and 64-bit enables the analysis of larger files!]


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  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2013
    Wouldn't it make more sense to change wheelDelta to a long, or to cast it to an int only after you've bitshifted it right by 16bits?

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2013
    EricLaw, Probably. :) The change above was primarily motivated by the intent to change as little about the existing behavior as possible and avoid cascading type changes. When I tried that tweak on 32- and 64-bit and it behaved correctly, I figured I'd go with what I had. [I'd skimmed some nearby code and was already fighting the urge to engage in unnecessary "housekeeping"... :) ]

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2013
    I tested with 700MB file and it just hangs for 1 minute, then OutOfMemoryException pops up

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2013
    DevTester, Sorry for the trouble! Let's start by checking that your operating system can run 64-bit applications. Please open the Windows Control Panel, go to the System and Security section, and open the System page. What operating system does it show and what are the values for "Installed memory (RAM)" and "System type"? Also, is there an easy way I could get access to a similar log file to try myself? I'm assuming it's human-readable text and can be opened and viewed okay in something like Notepad, right?

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2013
    David, I leave another comment as  my previous doesn't seem to show up. I tested on Windows XP machine i7 processor with 4GB RAM (windows displays 3,.. GB as this is so much it can handle. It's not a 64 bit's OS but I still think it should work with a 700 MB file. Anyways, I re-tested with an older version (1.1 that is) and the result is the same. And, it's a plain text file (corporate log so I can't give it to you).

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2013
    DevTester, There's often a 2x overhead for text, so a 700MB file can take up 1400MB or more and that's close to the 2GB maximum virtual address space cap that 32-bit processes are subject to (see above in the post about how this can be 1.7GB or lower in practice). If you're able to try opening this file on a 64-bit OS, I'm hopeful it will succeed - which would make this exactly the kind of scenario I released the new version for! :)

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2013
    Recently moved from XP to Win64 and installed the latest TextAnalysisTool.Net and missing the feature loading portion of the Very Large Files. Currently it is loading the complete file in one go and not giving me option to Fragment Load the File. Any tips to get the back feature back?

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2013
    Satish, I don't know what "fragment load" is, but it's not a feature that was ever part of TextAnalysisTool.NET itself. I didn't remove any features in the update for 64-bit.

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2013
    Sorry David I was not clear enough. Previous version of TextAnalysisTool.Net used to allow part loading of Very Large File like I can select % of file (start to 10%, 10% to 20% etc) of a Big file so that Memory is not overloaded. I am missing that feature with the new version Regards Satish

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2013
    Satish, That is not a feature I ever implemented for TextAnalysisTool.NET. Maybe it was something you had a plug-in for? It's possible that some plugin DLLs won't load in 64-bit and will need to be recompiled for .NET 2.0/AnyCPU. You'd want to get in touch with the plugin author for something like that, though. Hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2014
    The new version does not work from me. Says out of memory for a 600 MB text file. Where can I get the old version ? using WinXP 32bit 3GB RAM. .NET4

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2014
    Rajiv, That's strange - there aren't scenarios where I'd expect the new version to be worse than the old version. Can you please confirm that you tried the old version and it failed? Also, I'm not sure you'll see any benefit from the new version with the machine you describe - you note that you're using a 32-bit OS, so the process will be limited to 2GB of address space even after the improvement I discuss in this post for 64-bit OSes. What usually works well is to pre-filter the file to remove stuff that doesn't matter - if that's possible here, I'd recommend it.