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[Windbg Script] Serviced Components

A few days ago a friend of mine, Fabrício Catae, a SQL Server Ranger here at Microsoft, gave me an idea: to create a script that shows if Serviced Components are or are not disposed.

I thought it was a great idea, so I decided to create a script for it. During the development I added more features related to Serviced Components.

Basically this script gives you the following information related to Serviced Components:

- Object Pooled (Not Pooled)

- Jit Activated (Not Activated)

- Use Interface IDispatch (Not using IDispatch)

- Server Activated (Not Activated)

- Active (Not Active)

- Finalized (Not Finalized)

- Returned By Finalizer (Not Returned By Finalizer)

- Disposed (Not Disposed)

Note: I didn’t have an opportunity to stress this script in the trenches. It might have hidden bugs. If you find something, please, let me know and I’ll fix it.

Note 2: The next article will be about books to help you improve or acquire debugging skills.





$$ =============================================================================

$$ Get details from Serviced Components, like:

$$ - Object Pooled

$$ - Jit Activated

$$ - Use Interface IDispatch

$$ - Server Activated

$$ - Active

$$ - Finalized

$$ - Returned By Finalizer

$$ - Disposed


$$ Compatibility: Win32.


$$ Usage: $$>< to run the program.


$$ Attention! If you get a syntax error if calling it a 2nd time, run ad /q * then

$$ call the script again.


$$ Requirements: Public symbols.


$$ If necessary change the filename below to include your path and filename.

$$ By default it uses the WinDbg path and the default file name is SERVICED_COMPONENTS.TXT


$$ Roberto Alexis Farah

$$ Blog:


$$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

$$ =============================================================================


r @$t0 = 0

ad /q *









         as ObjectPooled .block




                                 j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nObjects Pooled\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nObjects NOT Pooled\n\n</b>"'


                             .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                                 r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)

                           .if(0 != @$t1)


                                     r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x34)

                                     .if(0 = @$t0)


                                         .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                             .printf /D "<b>\nObject address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                             !do @$t1

                                             .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                         .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                             .printf /D "<b>\nObject address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                             !do @$t1

                                             .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"










         as IsJitActivated .block




                                   j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nJIT Activated\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nJIT NOT Activated\n\n</b>"'


                               .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                                   r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)


                                   .if(0 != @$t1)


                                       r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x35)

                                       .if(0 = @$t0)


                                           .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                               .printf /D "<b>\nObject address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                               !do @$t1

                                               .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





       .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                               .printf /D "<b>\nObject address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                               !do @$t1

                                               .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"











         as UseInterfaceIDispatch .block




                                           j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nUsing Interface IDispatch\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nNOT Using Interface IDispatch\n\n</b>"'


         .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                                       r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)


                                       .if(0 != @$t1)


                                           r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x37)

                                           .if(0 = @$t0)


                                               .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                                   .printf /D "<b>\nObject address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                                   !do @$t1

                              .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                               .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                            .printf /D "<b>\nObject address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                                   !do @$t1

                                                   .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"










         as IsServerActivated .block




                                      j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nServer Is Activated\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nServer Is NOT Activated\n\n</b>"'


                                  .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                                      r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)


                                      .if(0 != @$t1)


                                          r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x38)

                                          .if(0 = @$t0)


                                              .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                                  .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                       !do @$t1

                                                  .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                              .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                           .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                                  !do @$t1

                                                  .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"










         as IsActive .block




                             j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nIs Active\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nIs NOT Active\n\n</b>"'


    .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                             r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)

                             .if(0 != @$t1)


             r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x39)

                                 .if(0 = @$t0)


                                     .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                   .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                         !do @$t1

                                         .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                     .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                   .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                         !do @$t1

                                         .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"









         as IsFinalized .block




                                j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nIs Finalized\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nIs NOT Finalized\n\n</b>"'


                            .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                         r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)

                                .if(0 != @$t1)


                                    r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x3B)

                                    .if(0 = @$t0)


                                        .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                            .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                            !do @$t1

                                            .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                        .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                            .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

          !do @$t1

                                            .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"









         as ReturnedByFinalizer .block




                                        j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nReturned by Finalizer\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nNOT Returned by Finalizer\n\n</b>"'


                      .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                                        r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)

                                        .if(0 != @$t1)


                                            r @$t2 = poi(${obj}+0x3B)

                                            .if(0 = @$t0)


                                       .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                                    .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                                    !do @$t1

                 .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                                .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                                    .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                                    !do @$t1

                                                    .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"









         as Disposed .block




                             j (0 = @$t0) '.printf /D "<b>\nDisposed\n\n</b>"';'.printf /D "<b>\nNOT Disposed\n\n</b>"'


      .foreach(obj { !dumpheap -type *ServicedComponentProxy -short })


                             r @$t1 = poi(${obj}+0xC)

                             .if(0 != @$t1)


               r @$t2 = poi(@$t1+0xD)

                                 .if(0 = @$t0)


                                     .if(@$t2 & 0x1)


                                        .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                         !do @$t1

                                         .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"





                                     .if(0 = (@$t2 & 0x1))


                                         .printf /D "<b>Object address: 0x%x\n</b>", ${obj}

                                         !do @$t1

                                         .printf "\n###############################################################################\n"








.printf /D "\n\n<b>Select the filters below to see the Serviced Components that match the selection:</b>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${ObjectPooled} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Objects Pooled</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${ObjectPooled} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Objects NOT Pooled</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${IsJitActivated} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>JIT Activated</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${IsJitActivated} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>JIT NOT Activated</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${UseInterfaceIDispatch} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Using Interface IDispatch</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${UseInterfaceIDispatch} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>NOT Using Interface IDispatch</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${IsServerActivated} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Server Is Activated</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${IsServerActivated} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Server Is NOT Activated</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${IsActive} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Is Active</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t\t\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${IsActive} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Is NOT Active</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${IsFinalized} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Is Finalized</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${IsFinalized} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Is NOT Finalized</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${ReturnedByFinalizer} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Returned by Finalizer</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t\t\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${ReturnedByFinalizer} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>NOT Returned by Finalizer</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 0; ${Disposed} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Disposed Serviced Components</b></link>"

.printf /D "\t<link cmd=\"r @$t0 = 1; ${Disposed} ad /q *; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>NOT Disposed Serviced Components</b></link>\n\n"


Read me.


  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2007
    Eagerly awaiting your next article about books on improving debugging skills!

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2007
    Cool !!! Um dia vou ser assim também! []'s

  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2007
    Bacana! Estou na espera pela indicação dos livros! Alias, 'Debugging .NET 2.0 Applications' do John Robbins é nota 10. []s