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Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket Launch FAQ

Who can use the DataMarket?

Anyone, anywhere, who accepts our terms of use, can use the free offerings. Between now and 11/22, we have a limited invitation-only experience where people in the US can request an invitation to use a credit card to subscribe to data. On 11/22, the limited invitation-only program ends and the DataMarket open to the US market for credit card subscriptions.

How to register for the invitation-only program?

Read DataMarket forum:

When new features will be available?

Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket is moving to the service updates cadence with new features coming on a regular basis. Feature prioritization will be based on customer feedback. Please vote for your features through the DataMarket site “Feedback” option.

Current high priority features list includes:

  • Enabling world-wide billing
  • Restricted data offering access (Invitation or authorization from content providers required to purchase the offering)
  • Enterprise billing and packaging support
  • Self-Service data onboarding

When new data offerings will be available?

Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket is moving to the content updates cadence with new content coming on a monthly basis. Offerings marked as “Coming soon” will be prioritized in each content update wave.

Do we need to upload our data to Microsoft cloud in order to become DataMarket content provider?

Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket provides ability to publish data from any source, ranging from SQL Server and Web Services on customer premise and to SQL Azure and Windows Azure storage.

Who qualifies to become a content provider or an ISV?

Any company or person may become Windows Azure DataMarket Content Provider or ISV. Naturally enough, you have to own your data or have required distribution rights, and you should be able to adhere to the DataMarket SLA.

How to register as content provider or ISV?

Send email to and provide as much information as possible.


- The DataMarket team