Dela via

Announcing New DataMarket Content!

Today’s content announcement is a little different that our previous monthly Content Updates. As we continue to work on making the best data offers available to you through DataMarket, we are in the process of shortening the time between our content releases. Beginning today, you will see us release smaller updates on a much more frequent basis, allowing you to get your hands on the data that much sooner!

Today’s update brings with it a couple of exciting new public and commercial offerings.

World Life Networks


  • Microsoft Utility Rate Service - The Microsoft Utility Rate Service is a database of electric utilities and rates indexed by location within the United States, gathered from Partner Utilities and/or from publically available information.  Using this Service, developers can find electricity providers and rates when available in a given area, or area averages as provided by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).

As always, we will continue to post our blog whenever new data becomes available on DataMarket… so be sure to check the site regularly to learn the latest.

- The DataMarket Team