Dela via

Two Premier Developer Conferences Comes to Canada

I would like to tell you about an exciting professional development opportunity that is coming to Canada. Now in a new location, VSLive! and MDC comes to Toronto, May 4-7 with over 100 hours of how-to sessions and workshops on developing better and faster with Visual Studio .NET.

What will be covered at the event?

· Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)

· Data Access with ADO.NET and ASP Data Binding

· Smart Client Development

· Visual Basic .NET Best Practices

· Building for Tomorrow with ASP.NET 2.0

· Black Belt C# 2.0

· Whidbey Updates

· Best Practices for Mobile UI Development

PLUS you can take advantage of FULL DAY WORKSHOPS before and after the event! There are 4 workshops to choose from:

· Build a .NET Application in a Day

· ASP.NET Jumpstart

· C# as a Better C++

· Architecture and Design in .NET

There is also Midnight Madness on the first night, a celebration for the attendees and speakers. This is a great opportunity to mingle with some of the leading minds in .NET development, including Billy Hollis, Pat Helland, Ken Getz, Rocky Lhotka and more.

As a valued customer, I would also like to give you an additional 10% any current price for the conference.

If you secure your spot by March 3rd you can save $300, and if you register by March 31st, you can save US $200. At either of these prices, you can also save additional 10% when you use my priority code: DAN