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SharePoint High Trust Add-In Provider Hosted Quick Start/Walkthrough

So you want to setup a Provider Hosted SharePoint Add-In quickly?! Follow these 7 steps!

Step 1: Go to the IIS where your SharePoint is running, open IIS and open Server Certificates.


Step 2: On the upper right, select “Create Self-Signed Certificate”


Step 3: Enter “PHACert” as the friendly name, “Personal” is fine for the cert store


Step 4: Select the newly created cert and select “export”. Set password to “password” and put it to a directory you will remember.


Step 5: Double click on the cert, then click “details”. Then click “Copy to File”. Leave everything default, save the file as “PHACert.cer”


Step 6: Open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as an Administrator. Save then run the attached PowerShell script like this:

 PS C:\site> ./pha.ps1

For Cert Name: enter PHACert

For Cert Path: enter the full path to PHACert.cer that you saved above.


Save the created Issuer ID at the bottom:


Step 7: Create your app!


  • On screen 2 enter your SharePoint server and provider hosted

  • On screen 3 enter SharePoint  2013

  • On screen 4 select MVC (or aspx)

OK, on screen 5:

  • Select “Use Certificate”

  • Enter the full path to the PHACert.pfx you exported on step 4.

  • Enter “password” for the password.

  • Enter the Issuer ID found at the bottom of that PowerShell script.


Done! Press finish and F5. You just made a SharePoint Add-In is 7 easy steps!
