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Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1

We all know Exchange 2007 SP1 released a little while ago adding some cool new features to the product, Standby cluster replication (SCR) to name one, for more details on exactly what features are provided with SP1 see MSExchangeteam Blog and TechNet

There is now an update rollup 2 for Exchange 2007 SP1, full details of this update and where the update can be obtained is listed on Microsoft Support

One thing to be aware of before you download the rollup and install on your live servers (test all Service Packs and patches before installing in your production environment) is that Exchange 2007 managed code services do not start after you’ve installed the update rollup for Exchange 2007 if your Exchange server does not have internet access. The Exchange 2007 server will try and access the following site to check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is available, if the internet connection is blocked or the server does not have internet access the Service Control Manager (SCM) will time out and report an error, full details can be found at Microsoft Support.

Written by Daniel Kenyon-Smith