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SQL Server Data Mining Newsletter

Here's a couple of interesting items from the SQL Server Data Mining newsletter

Plug Into SQL Server Data Mining

SQL Server 2005 Data Mining has an extensible framework that allows independent software developers to easily integrate new data mining algorithms and viewers into the product. The product team has provided in-depth technical articles, tutorials as well as sample source code for building "plug-in" algorithms and viewers. What was missing was a high-level overview of the technology that explains the benefits and overall architecture. We bring you a sneak preview of an upcoming MSDN article by Raman Iyer called "Plugging Into SQL Server Data Mining" that fills this gap.

PDC Presentation On Smart Client Applications Available Online

Jamie MacLennan and Brian Welcker from the SQL Server team presented a talk on building smart applications like an intelligent call center using SQL Server 2005 Data Mining and Reporting Services at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference held in LA in September. You can view the PowerPoint presentation here.