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New Workshop - Introduction to Web Services for Clusters Workshop

Cornell Theory Center is adding Web Services training to their current Windows HPC Cluster training – February 10-11, 2005 at the CTC-Manhattan training facility. 

Web services enable certain classes of high-performance computing (HPC) applications, specifically those that are very loosely-coupled, to distribute computation and data from a desktop or mobile device to remote servers or "workers."

Workshop topics include:

  • Setting up and running Network Load Balancing (NLB)
  • Writing and installing a Web Service and client
  • Adding an Excel front-end to a Web Service

After attending the "Introduction to .NET and Web Services Technical Training Workshop," technologists will be able to design and deploy an integrated solution using Microsoft .NET.

For technologists that are interested high-performance computing clusters for tightly coupled applications (Message Passing Interface or MPI-based clusters), CTC is offering a "Windows High-Performance Computing Technical Training" workshop at the same location on February 8-9.

These workshops are for representatives of companies, universities, and government agencies who want to learn more about implementing and using high-performance computing on Windows-based clusters.