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Cyrus' Blather

New feature decided on for Visual C# 2005

Well, based on the overwhelming feedback I got from the question I posed earlier, I think it's safe...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

Next gen editor architecture for VS

I asked What features would you like in the next version of Visual C#? and got an interesting...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

When good code goes bad

Reason #26972593-1 why I hate C++ development: Just fixed up some broken logic pertaining to binding...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

The sun is rising!

It's 4:15 am and it's already light out here. In 30 minutes my room will be bright and hot and I'll...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

What features would you like in the next version of Visual C#?

I ask this question because C# 2005 is getting more and more solidified as we approach the release...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

Nice mellons!!

Safeway has been stocking these great summer treats. Watermelons the size and shape of a canteloupe:...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

How do you decide what goes in an interface?

I've been having an interesting talk with Doug McClean about appropriate locations of methods. We're...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/20/2004

Cory Doctorow talks on why DRM is just plain bad

Neil got to go to a very interesting talk on Thursday by Cory Dotorow of the Electronic Frontier...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/19/2004

Office pix

I got a pair of posts from people asking me if I favored multiple monitors and what my office looked...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/19/2004

Gah! Lack of covariant return types!! aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!

So I'm adding more functionality in the collections classes that I've written in order to work on...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/18/2004


'Eating Paste' is #1 seeded in Seattle's Verns Hat League. Last game is tonight. Wish us luck!

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/18/2004

My feet are wet

and I may get pneumonia, but it's worth it to sit outside watching the most amazing thunderstorm...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/18/2004

This is not the best blog post ever written

I was in the middle of the best blog post ever. It was amazing. It was inspirational. It was going...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/17/2004

Ballad of Fallen Angels

My lucky night tonight. One of the best episodes of Cowboy Bebop is on (ok, that's unfair, they're...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/17/2004

Need some advice on testing memory performance

I've recently converted a value type over into a reference type. I.e. i've converted a C# struct...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/17/2004

Specialized interface for graphs

After the initial graph implementation i started looking more at the the specializations and...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/17/2004

Tay-grr (Uppercut!!)

Java had it first with 1.5 (CodeName Tiger) Then OSX came along with 10.4 (CodeName Tiger) I'm happy...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/16/2004

Thoughts on the right way to indicate failure in an API

I'm writing down the API for my IMap<A,B> interface. In other systems it has the name...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/16/2004


Not only is it a great word (better than "eureka!!" when you're excited {but not quite as good as...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/16/2004

TV quality issues

Unsurprisingly I've been watching a lot of my new Samsung Hln437w TV recently :-) It's a pretty...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/15/2004

Nullable syntax

Had a long talk with Renaud today about nullable types and the interesting ideas they've been...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/15/2004

A conundrum

One of my best friends Fu-zu is visiting this week. We've been having a lot of fun, and thanks to...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/10/2004

It's waaaaay too hot in Seattle right now (Especially with a friggin Powerbook on my lap)

It's definitely shower time. My clothes are starting to smell rather ripe. I'm tempted to just throw...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/10/2004

Do you use a debugger when you develop?

I posted a earlier blog about wanting support for managed co-routines in the next version of VS....

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/10/2004

Nullable types in C# (part 2)

I was reading the C# 2.0 language spec and trying to wrap my brain around the new support for...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/10/2004

W00t. TV+Me = Do I have to go to work today?

Felt like upgrading my entertainment center today. Took off from work and went out to a local...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/09/2004

Internal vs. External Iterators (revisted)

A while back I posted about my issues in C# when I was trying to write out an extensible collections...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/07/2004

A plea to anyone out there that speaks hungarian!

The Seattle International Film Festival is going on right now and it's been playing some really...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/06/2004

Take a shot of Vitamin Q

Local flavor story: Last night I got to see Captain Smartypants do a performance of their new CD...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/06/2004

Connecting with my inner child. (ok, it was actually someone else's child)

Last night i got a chance to see the new son james of one of my friends from school and work. He's...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/04/2004 is TEh EvAL

I just stopped over at Amazon to order the dvd collection of Sports Night based on the feedback I...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/03/2004

Who wants non-nullable types (I do, I do!)?

Many people were intrigued at Tech-Ed when Anders revealed the deep language integration we were...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/03/2004

Best behavior when you can't perform an action the user specified.

Another interesting issue came up today with a C# IDE feature. It involved the following piece of...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/03/2004

What are the goals of refactorings?

An interesting issue came up today that many people on the C# team had a passionate discussion...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/02/2004

C# a hit at tech-ed

We got the results of the user feedback about the Tech-Ed session on C# IDE enhancements. The...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/02/2004

Looking for a good rss aggregator for OSX

I love SharpReader and it's fantastic system of showing you a threaded view of...

Author: CyrusN Date: 06/01/2004

HelpSvc.exe has gone insane!!

Ok, for the past two weeks I've come back to my computer only to notice that HelpSvc.exe is taking...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/31/2004

Twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the compiler to finish

I seem to be in some sort of state where if I ever touch this one file I trigger a complete rebuild...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/31/2004

Cheap Whore + Lover + Psychotic Ex

Charles Miller wrote one of the funniest analogies I've ever seen comparing Apple/MS/Linux. I...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/29/2004

Laptops + physics

I'm not sure if this is an issue for everybody, but battery life is a serious issue with me and my...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

C# vs. VB for Office development (part 2/?)

Turns out there's another way that VB tends to make Office development nicer. And that's because...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

C# vs. VB for Office development (part 1/?)

I'm at a Tech-Ed cabana session entitled "VB.Net vs. C# for Office development with Visual Studio...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

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