Dela via

Turn off SharePoint Home and the Discover view in OneDrive for Business

Hello All,

If your like my customers as you start using SPO for the first time, you maybe have migrated a few sites and your users have discovered that some sites are permissioned with Everyone except External or some other group that allows to may users.  And now you have to figure out how to disable this feature and save the day.





There are a few things you can do:

  1. What might seem obvious but is not necessarily the easiest is to fix the permissions on Sites, Folders, and Documents so that you can continue to use the feature.
  2. You can disable delve for your whole tenant by following the steps in this document while effective it disables the feature as well as all of Delve which might not be what you want to do.
  3. You can disable the feature via API per user (See this article) and to help you try this GitHub project which will disable for 20 users at a time (See this GitHub project)
