Dela via

So I picked up a Smartphone too...

I bought a Microsoft Smartphone device a couple of weeks ago. I had to get one because Scoble kept raving about it. :) (I also wanted to do a little dev work with it.) I didn't take the normal path of getting my phone through my phone service (T-Mobile), rather I bought an unlocked phone through Expansys. I gotta say, I'm loving this phone. I was using a Nokia 3650, which is really a nice device, but the 8080 is faster, it does e-mail better, and it has a much better browser. The pictures aren't quite as clear, but they're acceptable. The reason I went with the unlocked device was that I've got my whole family on T-Mobile's family plan and we're on the phone with somebody in either New York or Florida most of the day.

The phone is the Qtek 8080 and it's running the Microsoft Windows Powered Smartphone 2003 os. I would recommend this phone to anybody who wants to get a good deal on a Smartphone (~ $300) and who can't get one through their service provider.


  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2004
    i sold it yesterday
    now i own the IMate SP3 - this is the phone i want- longer battery life, smaler form factor