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Do A Gadget With Silverlight And The Award could be yours

This time just a short announcement and no broad epic technical essay as usual. The announcement is about the Silverlight Gadget Award for all those who are developing cool and innovative Vista Sidebar Gadgets and want to introduce this to a even broader audience than just the people visiting the Microsoft Gadget Gallery. Now is the time to sign-up for the Silverlight Gadget Award. The winners will be officially announced and awarded at our large web conference Xtopia 08 taking place in Berlin in November.

Silverlight Gadget Award

There's exactly one major prerequisite for your Gadget that it qualifies for your nomination and this is that it must have at least some parts of it's presentation implemented with Microsoft Silverlight technology. If you used to create your RIAs with Flash, don't be disappointed there still is a small change that you can manage to participate. Just use the resources on Project Rosetta and become a Silverlight pro in just a few days by transferring all your Flash knowledge into Silverlight knowledge.

Project Rosetta - From Flash to Silverlight

This Site is really cool stuff - Check it out 


So start building a Silverlight gadget today, sign-up for the award and have the chance to win a banner campaign and free entrance to the conference with a giveaway pack you don't want to miss. Sign-up periods ends October 31st, so don't hesitate. And as a final remark: The Award is for German applicants and German audiences only
