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Steps to install XNA Game Studio 2.0 and 3.0 without using the setup bootstrapper

Recently, we've heard from a few people via the Creators Club forums who have had trouble getting XNA Game Studio setup to run correctly.  In a few cases, such as in this forum post, the setup program (named bootstrapper.exe) will crash shortly after double-clicking on the setup package to launch it.

If you run into this type of issue with XNA Game Studio 2.0 or 3.0 setup, you can use the following set of steps to bypass bootstrapper.exe and install the pieces of XNA Game Studio manually.

Update - now that XNA Game Studio 3.1 has shipped, I have created a new blog post with steps to manually install XNA Game Studio 3.1 in case anyone needs them.

To manually install XNA Game Studio 3.0

  1. Download xnags30_setup.exe and save it to your hard drive
  2. Run xnags30_setup.exe /x to extract the contents to a folder of your choosing
  3. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named redists.msi
  4. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\XLiveRedist.msi
  5. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Redist\XNA FX Redist\xnafx30_redist.msi
  6. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\xnaliveproxy.msi
  7. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\xnags_platform_tools.msi
  8. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\xnags_shared.msi
  9. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\platformer.msi
  10. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\xnags_documentation.msi
  11. (skip this step if you do not have Visual C# 2008 Express Edition installed) Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\xnags_vcsexpress.msi
  12. (skip this step if you do not have Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition or higher installed) Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v3.0\Setup\xnags_devenv.msi
  13. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named arpentry.msi

To manually install XNA Game Studio 2.0

  1. Download xnags20_setup.exe and save it to your hard drive
  2. Run xnags20_setup.exe /x to extract the contents to a folder of your choosing
  3. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named redists.msi
  4. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v2.0\Setup\XLiveRedist.msi
  5. Run the EXE at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v2.0\Redist\DX Redist\DXSETUP.exe
  6. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v2.0\Redist\XNA FX Redist\xnafx20_redist.msi
  7. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named xnaliveproxy.msi
  8. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named xnags_shared.msi
  9. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named spacewar.msi
  10. Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v2.0\Setup\xnags_documentation.msi
  11. (skip this step if you do not have Visual C# 2005 Express Edition installed) Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v2.0\Setup\xnags_vcsexpress.msi
  12. (skip this step if you do not have Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition or higher installed) Run the MSI at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v2.0\Setup\xnags_devenv.msi
  13. Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and run the MSI named arpentry.msi

If you end up running into this type of crash, before you proceed with one of the above workarounds, please collect a call stack with Visual Studio or Visual C# Express Edition and report a bug on the Connect site so that we can investigate it further.

<update date="5/15/2009"> Added instructions to skip installing some of the MSIs depending on what edition(s) of Visual Studio are installed on the system. </update>

<update date="6/12/2009"> Added a link to a new blog post about how to manually install XNA Game Studio 3.1. </update>