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How to get help for Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 setup issues

I have heard from a couple of folks so far who have tried to install Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and ran into problems during installation or while trying to use Media Center after installation completed.

Update Rollup 2 setup is implemented as a chained set of Windows XP hotfixes, a DRM update, and the main Media Center update.exe package. The following is a list of log files for each of the packages installed as part of Update Rollup 2:

  • %windir%\kb888795.log
  • %windir%\kb891593.log
  • %windir%\kb895961.log
  • %windir%\kb899337.log
  • %windir%\kb899510.log
  • %windir%\kb900325.log
  • %windir%\kb902841.log
  • %windir%\kb903157.log
  • %windir%\kb904706.log
  • %windir%\kb908250.log
  • %windir%\kb910393.log
  • %windir%\kb912024.log
  • %windir%\kb912067.log
  • %windir%\kb913800.log
  • %windir%\kb914548.log
  • %windir%\kb919803.log
  • %windir%\kb925766.log
  • %windir%\mcsetup.log
  • %windir%\mcsetup_ui.log
  • %windir%\medctroc.log
  • %windir%\spupdsvc.log
  • %windir%\wmsetup.log
  • %windir%\ehome\ehshell.crash
  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\eHome\EPG\*.* (only needed for television guide issues)

Note - in the paths listed above %windir% and %ALLUSERSPROFILE% are environment variables. You can go directly to those folder locations by clicking on the Start menu, choosing Run, typing either %windir% or %ALLUSERSPROFILE% and clicking OK. That will open up the chosen folder in Windows Explorer. 

If you run into any issues while installing Update Rollup 2, please gather up all of the logs from the above list that exist on your computer, zip them and attach them in an email to me so I can take a look and try to diagnose the problem you're running into and provide a workaround or fix. You can email me at, or use my blog contact form.

If you prefer, you can download this script and run it to automatically gather all of the above files into a single directory. You will need to make sure to zip them so that they will not be too large to send via email.

<update date="10/20/2005"> Added a couple of additional log files to the list </update>

<update date="10/24/2005"> Added one more log file to the list </update>

<update date="10/25/2005"> Added a link to a script that will automatically gather all of the files </update>

<update date="12/1/2005"> Added another log file to the list </update>

<update date="2/18/2006"> Added log files produced by the most recent Media Center hotfix packages </update>

<update date="4/28/2006"> Added log files produced by the April 2006 Media Center hotfix packages </update>

<update date="1/2/2007"> Added log files produced by the July 2006 and October 2006 Media Center hotfix packages </update>

<update date="11/20/2007"> Added information about how to find %windir% and %ALLUSERSPROFILE% </update>


  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2005
    I will try it again and send the zip file over.
    The only problem is my Media Center PC is often on "critical dutes" recording soaps for my wife :)

  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2005
    When I try to install rollup 2 I get an error message 'To install this update you must be running WMCE 2005'.

    Well I am... and it's a fresh re-installation including .net 1.1

  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2005

    to fix the error you are having..
    Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT Go to:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMedia Center

    Look in the right pane for the Ident value. It should read 3.0 for a stock MCE 2005 system, and 3.1 for a system with Update Rollup 1 installed. Modify the value as needed. If the Ident value doesn't exist, right click in a blank area of the right pane, select New, String value and name it Ident. Then double click it to make the contents read 3.0 or 3.1 (either will work).

    Out of curiousity, what value did yours say prior to making the change? Some people on the newsgroups report that installing SP2 over MCE2005 (a redundant step) sets it to 2.8.

  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2005
    Hey Phil - we have seen a few cases where the Ident registry value that Jason mentions gets modified by some other setup package. One of those cases is if you apply XP SP2 over the top of MCE 2005 (which is redundant because MCE 2005 contains XP SP2 + some additional MCE-specific fixes). Doing this will change the Ident value to 2.8.

    The prerequisite condition that Update Rollup 2 setup looks for is that the Ident key exists and that it is equal to 3.0, 3.1 or 4.0.

    If that is not the issue for your computer, the following log files should help narrow down what is happening:


    So, if the problem persists for you, please send me those logs and I'll take a look. My email is

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    thanks - i'll give it a whirl!

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    After installing Rollup, the MC window only works on one monitor out of two that I have....this was not the case before. The window just shows up all black....I belive the first time I ran MC after the update, there was an error that said soemthing about "not being able to rasterize text"....anyway, I went back to restore point and it works again on two monitors....any help would be great!!!

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    It was on 2.8 because I applied XP SP2 I guess.

    Thanks. But now I get an error when I press stop on the remote when playing an avi in WMCE Video mode.

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2005
    Phil - can you tell me the exact error message that you receive in this scenario? Also does this reproduce for all videos or just a specific AVI that you tried?

    Jeffrey - I will ask around and see if anyone here has heard of this issue. It doesn't sound familiar, but I'm not sure whether or not a lot of folks around here use multi-mon.

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005

    Tried reinstalling Rollup 2 again - with the same results. However, this time I tried changing the monitor settings. When the "watch video" button came up, I clicked on it and was able to move the window over to monitor 2 and view the MC screen....stopped the wizard, and was able to do everything again. But, when I closed out of MC and restarted it again - the black screen came up again. To be clear, the black screen is only black where the MC screen is supposed to be. Also, if I start the MC screen in monitor 1 - then move to mon 2 - the audio also goes down as well. On another note, and don't get me wrong, I love my MCE - but it seems through the TGB forums that there have been a ton of glitches with Rollup 2..... why do you think that is? Thanks for all the help...

    Jeffrey C

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2005
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2005
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2005
    I removed the Hotfix for Windows Media Player 10 (KB903157) but it had no effect.

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2005

    I actually fixed this problem by reinstalling my Catalyst drivers for ATI after the rollup...MCE works now on both screens....All is good, and I also was able to keep the hotfix for WMP....thanks for checking....


  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2005
    I have uninstalled Rollup 2. What were you guys thinking? Thanks for trying to help.

  • Anonymous
    December 01, 2005
    OK! I got it working by folowing your instructions to reinstall .NET 1.1 and then reinstall the rollup. Thanks for that but I still feel that there is insufficient testing before release. I have a pretty standard setup.

    I guess the real problem is we get our hopes raised and then dashed.

    I have an MSI ATI Xpress board with an Athlon 64 3000. I built my system 9 months ago and still can't use it for its intended pupose because the IR blasters don't work. I sent the (M'soft)remote and the blasters back to the dealer who tested them on his system and told me that they worked. I have tried different USB ports, reinstalling the drivers, moving the plug in the socket but nada. The remote works fine but the blasters just don't light up.

  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2006
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2006
    This article serves as a central location for all links to troubleshooting documentation that has been

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2006
    Hi Mr Stebner, Thanks for your tip on the incorrect version in the registry; mine was set at 2.8.  Once that was corrected Rollup 2 installed without incident and I was able to install the latest update rollup as well.  I only realised I didn't have Rollup 2 when I tried some other registry tweaks you posted and they didn't work at first. Two points I'd like to share with you:  1)  after installing UR2 and the October 2006 UR (KB925766) a number of random programs appeared in my scheduled recordings; I use EPGRunner and the South African DSTV xml listings and 2)  I store DVD's on my hard drive as ISO files and mount them on a virtual drive.  MCE doesn't appear to recognize these in My DVDs.  Is there a tweak or workaround that would allow me to keep the files as ISOs or must I recreate the DVD file structure for each of the movies? Thanks again for your guidance! Next time I get stuck I'll search your blog first (and hopefully waste alot less time scouring the internet).

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2006
    Hi WoodyJHB - I'm glad that you were able to install Update Rollup 2 with this workaround, but I'm sorry for the hassles that this caused you. I haven't heard of issue 1 before, but I'm not super familiar with EPGRunner so it is possible that it is a side effect of using that.  Does it work to just delete the scheduled recordings that you don't want? For issue 2, I know that there are tweaks for My DVDs, but I haven't tried them myself.  I would suggest searching on some of the Media Center forums for advice on how best to handle that scenario.

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    Cannot get Rollup 2 to install keep getting error stating it can only be installed to MCE 2005 MCSetup_UI.log says this

Sunday, 03 June 2007 23:25:22

11:25:22 PM : Checking admin account. 11:25:22 PM : Checking .Net Framework 1.1 and SP1 installed . 11:25:22 PM : Checking only instance of installer. 11:25:22 PM : Checking (correct version of MCE OS) This upgrade can only be run on Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. 11:25:23 PM : start condition(s) failed. 11:25:23 PM : Exiting I've already tried the registry edit of changing Ident to 3.0 but it still doesn't work.  Where am I going wrong?

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    Hi RedRedKrovy - There are 2 registry values that Update Rollup 2 setup searches for to determine whether or not the system contains Media Center 2005: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMedia Center] Ident = 3.0 or 3.1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemWPAMediaCenter] Installed = 1 Can you please double check that you have both of those settings on your computer?

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2007
    Both strings are present and accounted for. Also I tried downloading your script in order to gather up the logs and email them to you but I keep getting "A connection to the server could not be established" so later on today I'll try to get them gathered up and send them to you.

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2007
    Hi RedRedKrovy - I'm sorry, it looks like my file server is temporarily down, so that is why you can't download the script.  However, that script is only for convenience - you can still manually gather and zip the log files.  Keep in mind that not all of them will exist on your system, so just skip the ones that don't exist on your system when gathering them.

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2008
    Hi this looks like an old problem but I am just experiencing it, I am trying to install roll up 2, but it comes up with an error "This upgrade can only be run on Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005." I have checked the registry which is Ident 3.0 and installed 1, any more ideas would be appreciated Steve

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2008
    Hi Suprasteve1979 - Update Rollup 2 setup requires that both of those registry values exist and that they be set to the proper data type.  The Installed value must be a REG_DWORD and the Ident value must be a REG_SZ.  Can you also please check the data type of each of these values? The Installed value is protected by the OS and you won't be able to change it if it is incorrect.  If that ends up being the case on your system, I'd suggest trying the manual install steps at to see if they help work around this.

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2008
    Thanks your a star, your wright i couldn't change the installed value in regedit to reg_dword as it was reg_sz, but I ran through the dos commands and all is well. Nice to see that DOS is still useful and about Steve

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2009
    The comment has been removed