Dela via

How to reset IE11 to default configuration via a script?

Here are some options to reset IE to default settings via a script or command line.

This is a command that will get the Default settings.

From Elevated command prompt type: (User interaction is needed to complete. The option to delete user personal setting will come up).

 rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl ResetIEtoDefaults

There is a PowerShell Script that will perform the same action as the above command line option. Visit the TechNet article here:

Reset all Internet Explorer setting to default using PowerShell.

VBScript Sample below.

This will execute the operation without user interaction and the IE setting dialog box is not suppressed and visible to the user!

 'IE Reset Automation
Set objAP = CreateObject("")
objAP.Run "rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl ResetIEtoDefaults"
wscript.sleep 1000

objAP.AppActivate "Reset Internet Explorer Settings"
objAP.SendKeys "%r", True

wscript.sleep 2000

If objAP.AppActivate("Reset Internet Explorer Settings") Then objAP.SendKeys "%c"
wscript.sleep 2000

If objAP.AppActivate("Reset Internet Explorer Settings") Then objAP.SendKeys "%c"
wscript.sleep 2000

If objAP.AppActivate("Reset Internet Explorer Settings") Then objAP.SendKeys "%c"

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