Dela via

Pervasive Business Intelligence (BI)

I got to present to bunch of BI partners yesterday with Shailan Chadusama.  Before our slot, There was a presentation on the state of the BI industry by Dale Vile from Freeform Dynamics and you can also see a webcast of it here.  This was based on  research he had done with the audience of Register users.

Two things caught my attention.  BI is still the number one priority for IT spend in a business and this slide:


One of my goals on this blog is to try and clear up some of the confusion.  I also think the same sort confusion and misunderstanding exists inside the IT Pro community because BI is very incestuous and other IT Pros are focused on the web, security, comms or whatever.

So hopefully the posts are helping but like any guitar hero I need feedback! 

Technorati tags: BI, Business Intelligence
