Dela via

Installing Operations Manager 2007 Beta 2 – some caveats

Recently I blogged about beta2 availability of OM2007. I finally got some time to get it installed and running. All the OM components installed fairly easy. Watch for some of the tricks: don’t try to install the latest PowerShell RC version, use the version linked to from the OM2007 CHM file. Also add the SDK account to local administrators group

However mom reporting install was a bit more of a challenge. First of all if you install sql 2005 reporting to a non-default instance the MOM Reporting install will fail. This is because the report service is named ReportService$InstanceName – and the MOM Reporting is LOOKING EXPLICITLY FOR “ReportService” as a Windows NT service name – the install takes this name from the URL. So in my case the URL was https://SCOM2007:80/ReportServer but the service name was ReportService$SCOM07. The error in the MSI log you see is:


ReplaceSRSExtensionsCA: full SRS URL is : https://SCOM2007:80/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx

ReplaceSRSExtensionsCA: MOM Server is: SCOM2007

ReplaceSRSExtensionsCA: SRS Report Server Folder is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\

ReplaceSRSExtensionsCA: RSSrvPolicy.Config File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.configReplaceSRSExtensionsCA error: RestartService: Exception Service ReportServer was not found on computer '.'.. Inner Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

Finally I installed the reporting in the default instance. I did not find a way to rename the NT service (that’s not possible at all AFAIK) OR change the URL to https://SCOM2007:80/ReportServer$SCOM07 (Reporting Services Configuration wizard does not allow that, and I did not have time to play with manual edition of .config files). After that the only trick is to make sure your datawarehouse account has a corresponding login in SQL and a user mapping to the ReportServer database.

I informed the Product Group about it and sincerely hope it will get fixed in the next (RC) release.

Well, at least I reminded myself how to read MSI logs ;)

BTW, you can use WiLogUtl.exe tool to view those longer MSI files -, though I am used to good old notepad (I just search for “rolling back action” and find the spot where the error usually occurs).