0.3 Petabytes of storage available free of charge?
I always wondered where should I store my backups... A regular backup of my Windows box takes around 13 Gigabytes. Where should I store this stuff? Should I burn DVDs? Or buy a tape drive?
Well... let's see. I recently got 50 Gmail invites. That makes 50 GB :-) ... And I noticed that many other people also have unused Gmail invites. You can go to https://isnoop.net/gmail/ right now, and reclaim all of the 281,015 invites that are freely available right there!
If you think of it a second, that is a lot of available storage. In fact, 281,015 * 1 GB is around 275 Terabytes. In other words, around 0.3 Petabytes that is just sitting out there ready to be filled with backups, movies, picture, or god knows what is consuming your storage space. In fact, assuming that an uncompressed DVD is around 4 GB, you can store around 70,000 DVDs. And if you use a compressed MPEG4/DivX format, you can probably store even more.
Now, how can you actually use all this storage without sending mails around? A quick internet search reveals several file system drivers that expose a gmail inbox as a local drive in your computer. So, you can even drag & drop files into this window...
The only thing that I don't know is an automated tool to reclaim thousands of gmail invites. Or, a file system driver that aggregates multiple gmail inbox-es as a single drive on my machine...
Problem sovled. I actually remember that I bought a 200 GB harddisk a couple of months ago. And the box is still unopened.... Interestingly enough, the price was less than $100?
- Anonymous
February 22, 2005
Ma gindesc si eu acuma la cite lucruri mai ai si tu pe acasa care nu au fost folosite. De examplu: Hard Drive-ul care lai gasit.