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New Windows Server 2008 Troubleshooting Content Now Available on the Web!

I know, I know. Windows Server 2008 hasn't even shipped yet and here we are releasing new AD FS event driven troubleshooting content. First, let me assure you that this is very good content and that it will help you to take out some of the guess work that is often involved when it comes time to try and interpret how exactly to fix a problem based solely on the text from one or more event messages. To clarify further, this new content goes a step beyond the already verbose User Action text we provide in AD FS event messages by providing additional troubleshooting and verification procedures that walk you through exactly how to fix a specific problem.

Just in case your curious, the idea going forward is for Microsoft to provide folks in IT with additional troubleshooting content at or before the time a new Windows Server product ships. This new way of thinking is based on the common engineering criteria (CEC) initiative that was put in place some time ago and is largely based on customer feedback. This specific event driven troubleshooting content is also sometimes referred to as a Health Model for a given technology area. Additional updates to the AD FS Health Model content are planned for the January 2008 timeframe.