Dela via

How to Dynamically size a data bound control by it's content

I've seen this question posted on the web, and I have been personally asked to do this a couple of times.


There comes a time when we will need to have buttons (or radioButtons, any control) that needs to have it's width dynamically assigned based on the content within, for example a button with the text "MyButton, should be wide enough to display all the text, but another button next to it should have the same padding but a smaller width if it's content was "Small". This gets even more confusing when we have a list of items that are data bound. You cannot set individual widths for items that are not yet created.


I'm going to show you how you can accomplish this using a MVVM Converter (


First let's define our list: 


public ObservableCollection<string> ButtonNames       
     get { return _buttonNames; }

private ObservableCollection<string> _buttonNames = new ObservableCollection<string>();


Let's add some strings to our ButtonNames dependency property:




Pretty simple.. now we'll create an ItemsControl to bind to our ButtonNames collection:


<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ButtonNames}" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
<Button Content="{Binding}" Width="50" Height="30" />

If we run this, we see our problem:




The buttons are stuck with the wrong width.(say that fast three times!)


To fix this, I am going to bind the width of our button to the string we are using for content. The problem is, the property is expecting an int, So we need a converter:


class WidthHelper : IValueConverter
     public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
                int nameLength = value.ToString().Length;
return (14 * nameLength) + 20;

     public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
                throw new NotImplementedException();


What's great about the implemented Convert function is that the value coming in is an object, so we can pass in a string.. or whatever we want. As long as we match the targetType.. we're good. So as you can see I multiply 14 (that's the font size I am using) times the number of characters in the name, I then put a 10 pixel buffer on each side of the text (+20).

I can now wire up ourconverter to our ItemsControl data template:


<Button Content="{Binding}" Width="{Binding Converter,Converter={StaticResource WidthHelper}}" Height="30" />


Our buttons now display with the dynamic width:



Pretty cool!


 Hope this helps!


  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2014
    Kind of makes you wish that there was a method named something like MeasureString that would figure out the dimensions a string of text would take up if rendered using a given font. :)