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Visual Studio App Center is scheduled for retirement on March 31, 2025. While you can continue to use Visual Studio App Center until it is fully retired, there are several recommended alternatives that you may consider migrating to.

Learn more about support timelines and alternatives.

Xamarin.UITest is a C# testing framework using NUnit for UI Acceptance Tests on iOS and Android apps. It integrates tightly with Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android projects, but it can also be used with native iOS and Android projects. Xamarin.UITest is the Automation Library that allows the NUnit tests to execute on Android and iOS devices. The tests interact with the user interface as a user would: entering text, tapping buttons, and gestures - such as swipes.

Typically, each Xamarin.UITest is written as a method that's referred to as a [Test]. The class that contains the test is known as a [TestFixture]. The test fixture contains a single test or group of tests. The fixture is also responsible for setup to make the test run and cleanup that needs to be done when the test finishes. Each test should follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern:

  1. Arrange: The test will set up conditions and initialize things so that the test can be actioned.
  2. Act: The test will interact with the application, enter text, pushing buttons, and so on.
  3. Assert: The test examines the results of the actions run in the Act step to determine correctness. For example, the application may verify that a particular error message is displayed.

The best time to get started with Xamarin.UITest is during the development of a mobile application. Automated tests are written as a feature is being developed according to the steps described in the following list:

  1. Develop the feature in the Android or iOS application.
  2. Write the tests and run them locally to verify functionality.
  3. Create a new Test Run in App Center Test, or use an existing Test Run.
  4. Compile the IPA or APK and then upload it along with the tests to App Center Test.
  5. Fix any issues or bugs that are exposed by App Center Test.
  6. Repeat the process by moving on to the next feature for the application.

For existing applications that are no longer under active development it may not be cost-effective to retroactively add automated tests. Instead, a better approach is to use Xamarin.UITest when fixing bugs. For example, consider an application that has no automated testing, and a user reports a bug. A developer assigned to fix that bug might take some (or all) of the following actions:

  • Verify the bug or the regression manually.
  • Write a test using Xamarin.UITest that demonstrates the bug.
  • Submit the test to App Center test to gain some insight on the scope and impact of the bug on relevant devices.
  • Fix the bug.
  • Prove that the bug has been fixed with a passing Xamarin.UITest.
  • Submit the fixes and test to App Center Test to verify that the bug has been fixed on the relevant devices.
  • Check the passing tests into version control.

Automated UI testing relies heavily on locating and interacting with views on the screen. Xamarin.UITest addresses this requirement with two important sets of APIs that work with each other:

  1. Actions that can be done on views - Xamarin.UITest provides APIs that allow a test to simulate common user actions such as tapping on the view, entering text, or swiping on the view.
  2. Queries to locate views on the screen - Part of the Xamarin.UITest framework are APIs that will locate the views on a screen. Queries locate views at run time by inspecting attributes for the view and returning an object that the actions may work upon. Querying in such a manner is a powerful technique that allows tests to be written for user interfaces whatever the screen size, orientation, or layout

To help with writing tests, Xamarin.UITest provides a read-eval-print-loop (REPL). The REPL allows developers and testers to interact with a screen while the application is running and simplifies creating the queries.

Introducing the Xamarin.UITest API

All test interactions with the mobile application occur through an instance of Xamarin.UITest.IApp. This interface defines the methods that are crucial for the test to collaborate with the application and interact with the user interface. There are two concrete implementations of this interface:

  • Xamarin.UITest.iOS.iOSApp   This class will automate tests against iOS.
  • Xamarin.UITest.Android.AndroidApp   This class is for automating tests on Android.

iOSApp and AndroidApp objects aren't instantiated directly. Instead, they're created using the helper ConfigureApp class. This class is a builder that ensures that the iOSApp or AndroidApp is properly instantiated.

We recommend using a new IApp instance for each test. A new instance prevents the state from one test spilling over into another. There are two places where an NUnit test could initialize an instance of IApp:

  • In the SetUp method Typically, a test fixture is a logical grouping of related tests, each of them running independent of the other. In this scenario, the IApp should be initialized in the SetUp method, ensuring that a new IApp is available for each test.
  • In the TestFixtureSetup method In some situations a single test may require its own test fixture. In this case, it may make more sense to initialize the IApp object once in the TestFixtureSetup method.

Once IApp has been configured, a test may begin to interact with the application being tested. To do so, it's necessary to obtain references to the views that are visible on the screen. Many methods in Xamarin.UITest take a Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> parameter to locate the views. For example, the following snippet shows how to tap on a button:


There are two implementations of the IApp interface within the Xamarin.UITest framework, one for iOS and one for Android.

Initialize IApp for iOS Applications

When Xamarin.UITest runs a test on iOS, it starts up an instance of the iOS simulator, deploys the application, launches it, and begins running the tests. The iOS application must already be built. Xamarin.UITest won't compile the application and create the App Bundle for you.

The AppBundle method can be used to specify where on the file system the app bundle may be found. There are two ways to do so, with an absolute path, or a relative path. This snippet shows using an absolute path to the app bundle:

IApp app = ConfigureApp

Partial paths must be relative to the Xamarin.UITest assembly. This snippet is an example:

IApp app = ConfigureApp

The relative path example tells AppBundle to go up three directories from the Xamarin.UITest assembly, and then navigate down the project tree of the iOS application project to find the app bundle.

ConfigureApp does have other methods to help configure IApp. See the iOSAppConfigurator class for more details. Some of the more interesting methods are described in the following table:

Method Description
AppBundle This method specifies the path to the app bundle to use when testing.
Debug This method will enable debug logging messages in the test runner. This method is useful to troubleshoot problems with running the application on the simulator.
DeviceIdentifier Configures the device to use with the device identifier. This method will be described in more detail below.
EnableLocalScreenshots Enable screenshots when running tests locally. Screenshots are always enabled when tests are running in the cloud.

For more information on how to run iOS tests on a specific iOS Simulator, see Determine the Device ID for an iOS Simulator.

Initialize IApp for Android Applications

Xamarin.UITest will deploy an existing APK to an attached device or an instance of the Android emulator that's already running. The app will be started, and then the test will be run. Xamarin.UITest can't build the APK nor can it start an instance of the Android emulator.

The ApkFile method of IApp is used to specify where on the file system the APK may be found. There are two ways to do so, with an absolute path, or a relative path. This snippet shows using an absolute path to the APK:

IApp app = ConfigureApp

Partial paths must be relative to the Xamarin.UITest assembly. This snippet is an example:

IApp app = ConfigureApp

The relative path example tells ApkFile to go up three directories from the Xamarin.UITest assembly, and then navigate down the project tree of the Android application project to find the apk file.

If there's more than one device or emulator connected, Xamarin.UITest will halt test execution and display an error message as it's unable to resolve what the intended target is for the test. In this case, it's necessary to provide the serial ID of the device or emulator to run the test. For example, consider the following output from the adb devices command that lists all of the devices (or emulators) attached to the computer (along with their serial ID):

$ adb devices
List of devices attached device
03f80ddae07844d3    device

The device can be specified using the DeviceSerial method:

IApp app = ConfigureApp.Android.ApkFile("/path/to/android.apk")

Interacting with the User Interface

To interact with views, many IApp methods take a Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> delegate for locating the view. This delegate uses AppQuery that's at the core of how Xamarin.UITest locates views.

AppQuery is a fluent interface for building the queries to locate views. Of the methods that AppQuery provides, the Marked method is one of the simplest and most flexible. This method uses a heuristic to try to locate views and will be discussed in more detail in the following section. For now, it's important to understand that IApp has many methods for interacting with an application. These methods use a Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> to obtain a reference to the view to interact with. Some of the more interesting methods provided by AppQuery are listed below:

Method Description
Button Will locate one or more buttons on the screen.
Class Will try to locate views that are of a specified class.
Id Will try to locate a view with the specified Id.
Index . Will return one view from a collection of matching views. Usually used in conjunction with other methods. Takes a zero-based index.
Marked Will return a view according to the heuristics discussed below.
Text Will match views that contain the provided text.
TextField Will match an Android EditText or iOS UITextField.

For example, the following method shows how to simulate a tap on a button called "SaveUserdataButton":


Because AppQuery is a fluent interface, it's possible to chain together multiple method invocations together. Consider this more complicated example of tapping on a view:


Here, the AppQuery will first find a view marked Pending, then select the first parent of that view that's a AppointmentListCell type.

It can be tricky trying to create these queries by looking at a mobile app. Xamarin.UITest provides a REPL that can be used to explore the view hierarchy of a screen, experiment with creating queries, and use them to interact with an application.

Using the REPL

The only way to start the REPL is to invoke the IApp.Repl method within an existing test. This requires creating an NUnit TestFixture, configuring an instance of IApp that can be used in a Test method. The following code snippet shows an example of how to do so:

public class ValidateCreditCard
    IApp app;

    public void Setup()
        app = ConfigureApp.Android.ApkFile("/path/to/application.apk").StartApp();
    public void CreditCardNumber_TooLong_DisplayErrorMessage()

To run the test by right-clicking in the gutter of Visual Studio and selecting Run:

Screenshot of the popup menu with the run options for a test

The test will run, and when the Repl method is invoked, Xamarin.UITest will start the REPL in a terminal session, as shown in the following screenshot:

Screenshot of the macOS terminal running the Xamarin.UITest REPL

The REPL has initialized an instance of IApp that's called app, which interacts with the application. One of the first things to do is to explore the user interface. The REPL has a tree command to do that. It will print out the hierarchy of views in the displayed screen. As an example, consider the following screenshot of an application:

Screenshot of a sample application running on an iPhone

We can use the tree command to display the following hierarchy of this screen:

App has been initialized to the 'app' variable.
Exit REPL with ctrl-c or see help for more commands.

>>> tree
[UIWindow > UILayoutContainerView]
  [UINavigationTransitionView > ... > UIView]
    [UITextView] id: "CreditCardTextField"
    [UIButton] id: "ValidateButton"
      [UIButtonLabel] text: "Validate Credit Card"
    [UILabel] id: "ErrorrMessagesTestField"
  [UINavigationBar] id: "Credit Card Validation"
      [_UIBackdropView > _UIBackdropEffectView]
      [UILabel] text: "Credit Card Validation"

We can see that there's a UIButton in this view with the id of ValidateButton. We can use the information displayed by the tree command to help craft the necessary queries to locate and interact with views. For example, the following code simulates a tap on the button:


As commands are being entered, they're remembered by the REPL in a buffer. The REPL provides a copy command that will copy the contents of this buffer to the clipboard. This allows us to prototype a test. We can copy the work done in the REPL to the clipboard with copy, and then paste those commands inside a [Test].

Using Marked To Locate Views

The AppQuery.Marked method is a convenient and powerful way to query for views on screen. It works by inspecting the view hierarchy for a view on the screen, trying to match the properties on the view with to the provided string. Marked works differently depending on the operating system.

Finding iOS Views with Marked

iOS views will be located using one of the following attributes:

  • the AccessibilityIdentifier of the view
  • the AccessibilityLabel of the view

As an example, consider the following C# snippet that creates a UILabel and sets the AccessibilityLabel:

UILabel errorMessagesTextField = new UILabel(new RectangleF(10, 210, 300, 40));
errorMessagesTextField.AccessibilityLabel = "ErrorMessagesTextField";
errorMessagesTextField.Text = String.Empty;

This view can be located by the following query:

AppResult[] results = app.Marked("ErrorMessagesTextField");

Finding Android Views with Marked

Android views will be located based on one of the following properties:

  • the Id of the view
  • the ContentDescription of the view
  • the Text of a view

For example, consider an Android layout that has the following button defined:

    android:text="Action 1"
    android:layout_marginLeft="5dp" />

We can see that the android:id of this button is action1_button and that the android:text is Action 1. Either of the following two queries will locate the button on the screen:

  • app.Query(c=>c.Marked("action1_button"));
  • app.Query(c=>c.Marked("Action 1"));

Controlling the Application with Xamarin.UITest.IApp

Once IApp has been configured and initialized, the test may begin interacting with the application. One example of a method using Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> is the IApp.Query() method. This method will execute the query and return the results. The simplest example is shown in the following snippet, which returns a list of all views that are visible on the screen:

AppResult[] results = app.Query(c=>c.All())

The following table demonstrates some other examples of using AppQuery to locate views on the screen:

Syntax Results
app.Query(c=>c.Class("UILabel")) The .Class() method will query for views that are a subclass of an iOS UILabel.
app.Query(c=>c.Id("txtUserName")) The .Id() method will query for views with an Id of txtUserName.
app.Query(c=>c.Class("UILabel").Text("Hello, World")) Locates all UILabel classes that have the text "Hello, World".
results = app.Query(c=>c.Marked("ValidateButton")) Returns all views that are marked with the specified text. The Marked method is a useful method that can simplify queries. It will be covered in the following section.

The next table lists some (but not all) of the methods provided by IApp that can be used to interact with or manipulate views on the screen:

Example Description
PressEnter Press the enter key in the app.
Tap Simulates a tap / touch gesture on the matched element.
EnterText Enters text into the view. In an iOS application, Xamarin.UITest will enter the text using the soft keyboard. In contrast, Xamarin.UITest won't use the Android keyboard, it will directly enter the text into the view.
WaitForElement Pauses the execution of the test until the views appear on the screen.
Screenshot(String) Takes a screenshot of the application in its current state and saves it to disk. It returns a FileInfo object with information about the screenshot taken.
Flash This method will cause the selected view to "flash" or "flicker" on the screen.

For more information on the IApp interface, see the API documentation for IApp, AndroidApp, and iOSApp.

As an example of how to use these methods, consider the following test for the screenshot that was displayed above. This test will enter a 17-digit number for a credit card into a text field and then tap a button on the screen. It will then inspect the screen for an error message informing the user that the number is too long to be a valid credit card number:

public void CreditCardNumber_TooLong_DisplayErrorMessage()
    /* Arrange - set up our queries for the views */
    // Nothing to do here, app has been instantiated in the [SetUp] method.

    /* Act */
    app.EnterText(c => c.Marked("CreditCardTextField"), new string('9', 17));
    // Screenshot can be used to break this test up into "steps".
    // The screenshot can be inspected after the test run to verify
    // the visual correctness of the screen.
    app.Screenshot("Entering a 17 digit credit card number.");

    app.Tap(c => c.Marked("ValidateButton"));
    app.Screenshot("The validation results.");

    /* Assert */
    AppResult[] result = app.Query(c => c.Class("UILabel").Text("Credit card number is too long."));
    Assert.IsTrue(result.Any(), "The error message isn't being displayed.");

This test also uses the Screenshot method to take pictures at key points during the test execution. When this test is run, App Center will take the screenshots and display them in the test results. The method allows breaking a test up into steps and providing descriptions for the screenshots.