
Dela via

Getting the status of your product offers


The ProductStatuses resource is available to closed-beta participants only. For information about participating in the closed-beta or open-beta program, please contact your account manager.

All Store programming elements and documentation are subject to change during the beta.

To get a list of product offers in your store that have their status set to Disapproved or Warning, use the get product statuses template.

curl -H "AuthenticationToken: <access token goes here>" -H "DeveloperToken: <developer token goes here>"

The response body is a ProductStatuses object. If the store doesn't contain products with Disapproved or Warning statuses, the resources field contains an empty array.

  "resources": []

Here's what the response looks like when products have their status set to Warning and Disapproved. The itemLevelIssues field contains the list of issues that you should address.

  "resources": [
      "productId": "online:en:CA:9",
      "title": "Slip Resistant - Shoes For Crews...",
      "status": "Warning",
      "creationDate": "2018-10-08T07:38:00Z",
      "lastUpdateDate": "2020-09-29T14:35:54Z",
      "expirationDate": "2020-10-29T14:35:54Z",
      "itemLevelIssues": [
          "code": "GtinPlusBrandRequiredWarn",
          "description": "Missing one or more identifiers - The Brand and GTIN or Brand and MPN are required.",
          "servability": "Unaffected"

    . . .

      "productId": "online:en:CA:7",
      "title": "No Slip - Shoes For Crews...",
      "status": "Disapproved",
      "creationDate": "2018-10-08T07:38:00Z",
      "lastUpdateDate": "2020-09-29T14:35:54Z",
      "expirationDate": "2020-10-29T14:35:54Z",
      "itemLevelIssues": [
          "code": "EVRejectedErr",
          "description": "The offer was rejected by the external validation component: EV.",
          "servability": "Disapproved"
          "code": "EV_39",
          "description": "Trademark content",
          "servability": "Disapproved"

By default, the request returns a maximum of 25 offers. To return a different number of offers, include the max-results query parameter.

curl -H "AuthenticationToken: <access token goes here>" -H "DeveloperToken: <developer token goes here>"  ""

If the number of offers with their status set to Disapproved or Warning is greater than max-results, the response contains the nextPageToken field.

  "nextPageToken": "W3sidG9rZW4iOm51bGwsInJhbmdlIjp7Im1pbiI6IjA1QzFFNTNEMUYwRjg2IiwibWF4IjoiMDVDMUU1NUIyRDk3NEEifX1d",
  "resources": [...]

To get the next page of offers, include the continuation-token query parameter in your next call and set it to the token.

curl -H "AuthenticationToken: <access token goes here>" -H "DeveloperToken: <developer token goes here>"  ""

The typically calling pattern is to call this template in a loop until the response doesn't include the nextPageToken field.

Getting summary status counts of product offers

The ProductStatuses resource offers a summary view of the status of product offers in a store. The view reports approved and disapproved offers along with offers that are pending review or are about to expire.

To request a summary view, use the summary view template. Set {merchantId} to the ID of the store that you want the view from.

curl -H "AuthenticationToken: <access token goes here>" -H "DeveloperToken: <developer token goes here"

The response is a ProductStatusesSummary object.


When an offer's status changes, it may take up to two hours for the summary view to reflect the change.