
Dela via

Invite User Code Example

This example demonstrates how to invite a user to manage Microsoft Advertising accounts.


Use the language selector in the documentation header to choose C#, Java, Php, or Python.

To get access and refresh tokens for your Microsoft Advertising user and make your first service call using the Bing Ads API, see the Quick Start guide. You'll want to review the Get Started guide and walkthroughs for your preferred language e.g., C#, Java, Php, and Python.

Supporting files for C#, Java, Php, and Python examples are available at GitHub. You can clone each repository or repurpose snippets as needed.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement;
using Microsoft.BingAds;
using System.Globalization;

namespace BingAdsExamplesLibrary.V13
    /// <summary>
    /// How to invite a user to manage your advertising accounts.
    /// </summary>
    public class InviteUser : ExampleBase
        // Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
        // The recipient can accept the invitation and sign up 
        // with credentials that differ from the invitation email address.

        const string UserInviteRecipientEmail = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere";
        public override string Description
            get { return "Invite a User to Manage accounts | Customer Management V13"; }

        public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                OutputStatusMessage("You must edit this example to provide the email address (UserInviteRecipientEmail) for " +
                                    "the user invitation.");
                OutputStatusMessage("You must use Super Admin credentials to send a user invitation.");

                ApiEnvironment environment = ((OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant)authorizationData.Authentication).Environment;

                CustomerManagementExampleHelper CustomerManagementExampleHelper = new CustomerManagementExampleHelper(
                    OutputStatusMessageDefault: this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CustomerManagementExampleHelper.CustomerManagementService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
                    authorizationData: authorizationData,
                    environment: environment);

                // Prepare to invite a new user
                var userInvitation = new UserInvitation
                    // The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
                    // The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.
                    CustomerId = authorizationData.CustomerId,

                    // Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
                    // Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user's customer, 
                    // and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.
                    AccountIds = null,

                    // The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
                    // The identifier for an advertiser campaign manager is 16.
                    RoleId = 16,

                    // The email address where the invitation should be sent. 
                    Email = UserInviteRecipientEmail,

                    // The first name of the user. 
                    FirstName = "FirstNameGoesHere",

                    // The last name of the user. 
                    LastName = "LastNameGoesHere",

                    // The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
                    Lcid = LCID.EnglishUS,

                // Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
                // You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Microsoft Advertising web application. 

                var userInvitationId = (await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.SendUserInvitationAsync(
                    userInvitation: userInvitation))?.UserInvitationId;
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Sent new user invitation to {0}.", UserInviteRecipientEmail));

                // It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
                // which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
                // different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
                // and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
                // any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
                // pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
                // is through the Microsoft Advertising web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
                // in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

                // Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
                // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
                // to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
                // The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
                // Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

                var predicate = new Predicate
                    Field = "CustomerId",
                    Operator = PredicateOperator.In,
                    Value = authorizationData.CustomerId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                var userInvitations = (await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.SearchUserInvitationsAsync(
                    predicates: new[] { predicate }))?.UserInvitations;

                // After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Microsoft Advertising user details. 
                // Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
                // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
                // to accepted User. 

                var usersInfo = (await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.GetUsersInfoAsync(
                    customerId: authorizationData.CustomerId,
                    statusFilter: null))?.UsersInfo;

                foreach (var info in usersInfo)
                    var getUserResponse = await CustomerManagementExampleHelper.GetUserAsync(
                        userId: info.Id);
                    var user = getUserResponse.User;
            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Customer Management AdApiFaultDetail service exceptions
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            // Catch Customer Management ApiFault service exceptions
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V13.CustomerManagement.ApiFault> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            // Catch other .NET framework exceptions
            catch (Exception ex)


public class InviteUser extends ExampleBase {
    // Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
    // The recipient can accept the invitation and sign up 
    // with credentials that differ from the invitation email address.
    final static java.lang.String UserInviteRecipientEmail = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere";
    public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
            outputStatusMessage("You must edit this example to provide the email address (UserInviteRecipientEmail) for " +
                "the user invitation.");
            outputStatusMessage("You must use Super Admin credentials to send a user invitation.");
            authorizationData = getAuthorizationData(); 
            java.lang.Long customerId = authorizationData.getCustomerId();
            CustomerManagementExampleHelper.CustomerManagementService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>(
            // Prepare to invite a new user
            UserInvitation userInvitation = new UserInvitation();
            // The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
            // The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.

            // Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
            // Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user�s customer, 
            // and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.

            // The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
            // For example you can use Role Id 16 for Advertiser Campaign Manager.

            // The email address where the invitation should be sent. 

            // The first name of the user. 

            // The last name of the user. 

            // The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
            // Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
            // You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Bing Ads web application.
            java.lang.Long userInvitationId = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.sendUserInvitation(
            outputStatusMessage(String.format("Sent new user invitation to %s.", UserInviteRecipientEmail));

            // It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
            // which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
            // different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
            // and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
            // any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
            // pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
            // is through the Bing Ads web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
            // in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

            // Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
            // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
            // to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
            // The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
            // Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

            ArrayOfPredicate predicates = new ArrayOfPredicate();
            Predicate predicate = new Predicate();
            ArrayOfUserInvitation userInvitations = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.searchUserInvitations(

            // After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Bing Ads user details. 
            // Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
            // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
            // to accepted User. 

            ArrayOfUserInfo usersInfo = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.getUsersInfo(
            for (UserInfo userInfo : usersInfo.getUserInfos())
                GetUserResponse getUserResponse = CustomerManagementExampleHelper.getUser(
                User user = getUserResponse.getUser();
        catch (Exception ex) {
            String faultXml = ExampleExceptionHelper.getBingAdsExceptionFaultXml(ex, System.out);
            String message = ExampleExceptionHelper.handleBingAdsSDKException(ex, System.out);

namespace Microsoft\BingAds\Samples\V13;

// For more information about installing and using the Bing Ads PHP SDK, 
// see

require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

require_once __DIR__ . "/CustomerManagementExampleHelper.php";

include __DIR__ . "/AuthHelper.php";

use SoapVar;
use SoapFault;
use Exception;

// Specify the Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement classes that will be used.
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\LCID;
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\Predicate;
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\PredicateOperator;
use Microsoft\BingAds\V13\CustomerManagement\UserInvitation;

// Specify the Microsoft\BingAds\Auth classes that will be used.
use Microsoft\BingAds\Auth\ServiceClient;
use Microsoft\BingAds\Auth\ServiceClientType;

// Specify the Microsoft\BingAds\Samples classes that will be used.
use Microsoft\BingAds\Samples\V13\AuthHelper;
use Microsoft\BingAds\Samples\V13\CustomerManagementExampleHelper;

// Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
// It is important to note that the recipient can accept the invitation 
// and sign into Bing Ads with a Microsoft account different than the invitation email address.
$userInviteRecipientEmail = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere";

    print("You must edit this example to provide the email address (userInviteRecipientEmail) for the user invitation.\r\n");
    print("You must use Super Admin credentials to send a user invitation.\r\n");

    // Authenticate user credentials and set the account ID for the sample.  

    $customerId = $GLOBALS['AuthorizationData']->CustomerId;

    // Prepare to invite a new user
    $userInvitation = new UserInvitation();
    // The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
    // The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.
    $userInvitation->CustomerId = $customerId;

    // Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
    // Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user's customer, 
    // and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.
    $userInvitation->AccountIds = null;

    // The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
    // For example you can use Role Id 16 for Advertiser Campaign Manager.
    $userInvitation->RoleId = 16;

    // The email address where the invitation should be sent. This element can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
    $userInvitation->Email = $userInviteRecipientEmail;

    // The first name of the user. This element can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
    $userInvitation->FirstName = "FirstNameGoesHere";

    // The last name of the user. This element can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
    $userInvitation->LastName = "LastNameGoesHere";

    // The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
    $userInvitation->Lcid = LCID::EnglishUS;
    // Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
    // You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Bing Ads web application. 

    $userInvitationId = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::SendUserInvitation(
    printf("Sent new user invitation to %s.\r\n", $userInviteRecipientEmail);

    // It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
    // which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
    // different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
    // and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
    // any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
    // pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
    // is through the Bing Ads web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
    // in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

    // Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
    // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
    // to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
    // The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
    // Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

    $predicates = array();
    $predicate = new Predicate();
    $predicate->Field = "CustomerId";
    $predicate->Operator = PredicateOperator::In;
    $predicate->Value = $customerId;
    $predicates[] = $predicate;
    $userInvitations = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::SearchUserInvitations(

    // After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Bing Ads user details. 
    // Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
    // the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
    // to accepted User. 

    $usersInfo = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::GetUsersInfo(
    foreach ($usersInfo->UserInfo as $userInfo)
        $getUserResponse = CustomerManagementExampleHelper::GetUser(
        $user = $getUserResponse->User;
catch (SoapFault $e)
    printf("-----\r\nFault Code: %s\r\nFault String: %s\r\nFault Detail: \r\n", $e->faultcode, $e->faultstring);
    print "-----\r\nLast SOAP request/response:\r\n";
    print $GLOBALS['Proxy']->GetWsdl() . "\r\n";
    print $GLOBALS['Proxy']->GetService()->__getLastRequest()."\r\n";
    print $GLOBALS['Proxy']->GetService()->__getLastResponse()."\r\n";
catch (Exception $e)
    // Ignore fault exceptions that we already caught.
    if ($e->getPrevious())
    { ; }
        print $e->getCode()." ".$e->getMessage()."\r\n";
        print $e->getTraceAsString()."\r\n";
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from auth_helper import *
from customermanagement_example_helper import *

# You must provide credentials in

# Specify the email address where the invitation should be sent. 
# The recipient can accept the invitation and sign up 
# with credentials that differ from the invitation email address.
INVITE_EMAIL_TO = "UserInviteRecipientEmailGoesHere"

def main(authorization_data):
        output_status_message("You must edit this example to provide the email address (e.g. {0}) for " \
                              "the user invitation.".format(INVITE_EMAIL_TO))
        output_status_message("Login as a Super Admin user to send a user invitation.")

        # Prepare to invite a new user
        user_invitation = customer_service.factory.create('ns5:UserInvitation')

        # The identifier of the customer this user is invited to manage. 
        # The AccountIds element determines which customer accounts the user can manage.
        user_invitation.CustomerId = authorization_data.customer_id

        # Users with account level roles such as Advertiser Campaign Manager can be restricted to specific accounts. 
        # Users with customer level roles such as Super Admin can access all accounts within the user's customer, 
        # and their access cannot be restricted to specific accounts.

        #The user role, which determines the level of access that the user has to the accounts specified in the AccountIds element.
        #For example you can use Role Id 16 for Advertiser Campaign Manager. 
        user_invitation.RoleId = 16

        # The email address where the invitation should be sent. 
        user_invitation.Email = INVITE_EMAIL_TO

        # The first name of the user. 
        user_invitation.FirstName = "FirstNameGoesHere"

        # The last name of the user. 
        user_invitation.LastName = "LastNameGoesHere"

        # The locale to use when sending correspondence to the user by email or postal mail. The default is EnglishUS.
        user_invitation.Lcid = 'EnglishUS'
        # Once you send a user invitation, there is no option to rescind the invitation using the API.
        # You can delete a pending invitation in the Accounts & Billing -> Users tab of the Bing Ads web application. 

        output_status_message("Sent new user invitation to {0}.".format(INVITE_EMAIL_TO))
        output_status_message("UserInvitationId: {0}".format(user_invitation_id))

        # It is possible to have multiple pending invitations sent to the same email address, 
        # which have not yet expired. It is also possible for those invitations to have specified 
        # different user roles, for example if you sent an invitation with an incorrect user role 
        # and then sent a second invitation with the correct user role. The recipient can accept 
        # any of the invitations. The Bing Ads API does not support any operations to delete 
        # pending user invitations. After you invite a user, the only way to cancel the invitation 
        # is through the Bing Ads web application. You can find both pending and accepted invitations 
        # in the Users section of Accounts & Billing.

        # Since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
        # the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
        # to accepted User. You can only determine whether the invitation has been accepted or has expired. 
        # The SearchUserInvitations operation returns all pending invitations, whether or not they have expired. 
        # Accepted invitations are not included in the SearchUserInvitations response.  

        predicates = {
            'Predicate': [
                    'Field': 'CustomerId',
                    'Operator': 'In',
                    'Value': authorization_data.customer_id,

        user_invitations = customer_service.SearchUserInvitations(
            Predicates = predicates

        # After the invitation has been accepted, you can call GetUsersInfo and GetUser to access the Bing Ads user details. 
        # Once again though, since a recipient can accept the invitation with credentials that differ from 
        # the invitation email address, you cannot determine with certainty the mapping from UserInvitation 
        # to accepted User. 

        users_info = customer_service.GetUsersInfo(

        for info in users_info['UserInfo']:            
            user = get_user_response.User
    except WebFault as ex:
    except Exception as ex:

# Main execution
if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Loading the web service client proxies...")


See Also

Get Started with the Bing Ads API