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Budget and Bid Opportunities

The Ad Insight service is a keyword research service that you can use to research keyword, bid, and budget opportunities:

  • Get past keyword performance.
  • Get the estimated minimum keyword bid that may result in ads appearing in the specified search results position.
  • Get the estimated position where ads may appear given the specified bid.
  • Get suggested relevant keywords from the content of a web page or from other keywords.
  • Get the locations and demographics (age and gender) of the users who have searched for specified keywords.
  • Discover opportunities for improving the performance of your advertising campaigns. The results are similar to using the opportunities tab of the Microsoft Advertising web application.

You can get most of this information broken out by device type.

Some operations, such as GetHistoricalKeywordPerformance, let you request data for multiple countries or regions. For information about how the data is aggregated when you specify multiple countries or regions, see Aggregating Data.

Campaign Budget Opportunities

To identify campaigns that have been paused or are in jeopardy of being paused due to budget-related issues, call the GetBudgetOpportunities operation. The response contains a list of BudgetOpportunity objects that recommends a budget, which may increase the campaign's clicks and impressions and decrease the chance of the campaign being paused for budget-related reasons. Each BudgetOpportunity contains a list of BudgetPoint objects. You can use the budget points to compare your current budget to any of the proposed budgets.

Ad Group Bid Opportunities

Given a list of existing ad groups, the GetBidLandscapeByAdGroupIds operation returns for each a list of suggested bids and estimated performance statistics. You can use the landscape view of multiple bid points with estimated traffic for the same ad group to help make decisions about how to adjust your ad group level default bid to optimize for clicks, impressions, and cost. For example you might use the resulting data to visualize a clicks to cost curve or a bid to impressions curve.

Keyword Bid Opportunities

You can use these operations to optimize bids for existing keywords.

  • Given a list of existing keywords, the GetBidLandscapeByKeywordIds operation returns for each a list of suggested bids and estimated performance statistics. You can use the landscape view of multiple bid points with estimated traffic for the same keyword to help make decisions about how to adjust your keyword bid to optimize for clicks, impressions, and cost. For example you might use the resulting data to visualize a clicks to cost curve or a bid to impressions curve. For more information, see the help article View impression and cost estimates before changing your bid.

  • To identify which keyword's performance may be improved with minimal increase in cost per click, call the GetBidOpportunities operation. The response contains a list of BidOpportunity objects that suggest a bid value that may increase clicks and impressions while minimally increasing costs.

  • To get the minimum suggested bid value of one or more keywords that could result in an ad appearing in the targeted position in the search results, call the GetEstimatedBidByKeywords or GetEstimatedBidByKeywordIds operation. You can use the estimates of clicks, average cost per click (CPC), and impressions that the keywords could generate based on the suggested bid price to determine whether the cost of landing in that position is worth the possible traffic it could generate. The difference between the two operations is that GetEstimatedBidByKeywords factors in how well the keyword performed among all advertisers in the specified publisher countries or regions, while GetEstimatedBidByKeywordIds factors in how well the keyword performed in the ad group.

  • To get the estimated position in the search results if the specified keywords use the specified bid value, call the GetEstimatedPositionByKeywords or GetEstimatedPositionByKeywordIds operation. You can use the estimated position, clicks, average cost per click (CPC), and impressions that the keywords could generate based on the bid price to determine if you need to bid more or less to achieve the desired position and whether the cost of landing in that position is worth the possible traffic it could generate. The difference between the two operations is that GetEstimatedPositionByKeywords factors in how well the keyword performed among all advertisers in the specified publisher countries or regions, while GetEstimatedPositionByKeywordIds factors in how well the keyword performed in the ad group.

  • To get the historical performance (bid and traffic) of one or more keywords used in search queries, call the GetHistoricalKeywordPerformance operation. You can use the information to gauge the historical cost of bidding on the keyword and the traffic it generated.

Keyword Research and Opportunities

You can use these operations to discover new keywords.

  • To identify new keywords that are relevant to an ad group, call the GetKeywordOpportunities operation. The response includes KeywordOpportunity objects that contain the suggested keyword, exact-match bid value and the estimated monthly volume of user search queries that exactly matches the keyword. Applying the opportunity adds the keyword to the ad group.

  • To get the age and gender of users who have searched for specific keywords, call the GetKeywordDemographics operation. The operation returns the demographics information broken out by device type. You can use the information to target your ads to device types with the most reach and to boost your bid for users of a specific gender and age group.

  • To get a count of the number of search queries that included the specified keywords, call the GetHistoricalSearchCount operation. You can use the information to gauge the competitive strength of the keyword and to make sure that you are bidding on keywords that users are using.

  • To get the geographical location of users who have searched for specific keywords, call the GetKeywordLocations operation. You can request that locations be shown at country or region, state, metropolitan, or city level. The operation returns the location information broken out by device type. You can use the information to target your ads to device types with the most reach and to locations with the most searches for the keyword.

  • To get keyword suggestions for your web page, call the SuggestKeywordsForUrl operation.

  • To get keyword suggestions that could perform better than the specified keywords, call the SuggestKeywordsFromExistingKeywords operation. You can specify the type of keywords that the operation suggests. For example, you can request keywords from other ad groups that include the specified keyword or request search queries that contain keywords that are related to the specified keyword.

  • The GetKeywordCategories operation can be used to get the categories of your specified keywords.

Aggregating Data

For operations that provide historical performance such as GetHistoricalKeywordPerformance, you can request data for multiple publisher countries or regions. If you specify multiple countries or regions, the data is aggregated across the countries or regions. If you set PublisherCountries to NULL, the data is aggregated across all countries or regions that support the specified language.

For example, if you set Language to English and PublisherCountries to NULL, the GetHistoricalKeywordPerformance operation will set the AverageBid value to the maximum bid specified across all countries or regions that support English. However, the other KPI values, such as Clicks, will be set to the sum of those values across all the countries or regions that support English.

Likewise, if you set Language to English and PublisherCountries to a list of countries or regions, the GetHistoricalKeywordPerformance operation will set the AverageBid value to the maximum bid specified across the countries or regions and set the other KPI values, such as Clicks, to the sum of those values across the specified countries or regions.

If your goal is to compete successfully in a country or region, you should specify only that country or region. Specifying a single country or region will provide more appropriate bid information for that country or region. If you specify multiple countries or regions, the bid will be the highest bid across all countries or regions, which could result in overbidding in some countries or regions. However, if your goal is to get the historical cost of doing business in multiple countries or regions in order to plan your budget, you should specify all the countries or regions that your campaign will target.

For operations that provide estimates, such as GetEstimatedBidByKeywords, you can request data for multiple publisher countries or regions but the behavior is different in the case where PublisherCountries is NULL. In this case, instead of aggregating the data across all countries or regions, the response calculates results using data from the country or region with the most impressions.

For operations that suggest keywords, such as SuggestKeywordsFromExistingKeywords, the behavior is the same as that of operations that provide historical performance.

See Also

Ad Insight Service Reference
Bing Ads API Web Service Addresses