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Customer Management Data Objects

The Customer Management service defines the following data objects.

Data Object Description
AccountInfo Defines an object that contains an account's identifier, name, and number.
AccountInfoWithCustomerData Defines an object that contains information that identifies an account and the customer that manages or owns the account.
AccountTaxCertificate Defines the AccountTaxCertificate Data Object.
AdApiError Defines a Customer Management Ad API error object that contains the details that explain why the service operation failed.
AdApiFaultDetail Defines a Customer Management Ad API fault detail object that operations return when generic errors occur, such as an authentication error.
Address Defines a postal address for accounts and user contact information.
AdvertiserAccount Defines an advertiser account.
ApiFault Defines a Customer Management API fault detail object that operations return when web service-specific errors occur, such as when the request message contains incomplete or invalid data.
ApplicationFault Defines the base object from which all Customer Management fault detail objects derive.
ClientLink Defines a client link object.
ContactInfo Defines the contact information for a user.
Customer Defines a customer object that contains one or more Microsoft Advertising accounts.
CustomerInfo Defines an object that contains a customer's identifier and name.
CustomerRole Defines account access rights for a person who acts on behalf of a specific customer.
DateRange Defines a date range object.
KeyValueEntityOflongint The key and value entity of long and int values.
KeyValueEntityOfstringstring The key and value entity of string and string values.
KeyValuePairOfstringbase64Binary The key and value pair of string and base64Binary values defined by the Customer Management service.
KeyValuePairOfstringstring The key and value pair of string and string values.
Notification Defines a Notification object.
OperationError Defines a Customer Management operation error object that contains the details that explain why the service operation failed.
OrderBy Defines an order for the list of entities returned using one of the search operations, for example SearchAccounts, SearchClientLinks, or SearchCustomers.
Paging Defines a paging object to request Customer Management objects in batches.
PersonName Defines the name of a user.
Predicate Defines a predicate for the list of entities requested using one of the search operations, for example SearchAccounts, SearchClientLinks, SearchCustomers, or SearchUserInvitations.
User Defines personal and business contact information about a Microsoft Advertising user.
UserInfo Defines a user identification object that contains information that identifies a user.
UserInvitation Defines an invitation for a user to sign up for Microsoft Advertising.