Customer Billing Service Operations
The Customer Billing service defines the following service operations.
Service Operation | Description | Request Limits |
AddInsertionOrder | Adds an insertion order to the specified account. | N/A. |
CheckFeatureAdoptionCouponEligibility | Check the FAC eligibility of an account. | 100 AccountIds |
ClaimFeatureAdoptionCoupons | Claim feature adoption coupons. | 100 AccountCouponPairs |
DispatchCoupons | Dispatch coupons of the specified coupon class name owned by the specified customer. | 1 CouponClassName |
GetAccountMonthlySpend | Gets the amount spent by the account in the specified month. | 1 AccountId |
GetBillingDocuments | Gets the specified billing documents. | 25 BillingDocumentInfo |
GetBillingDocumentsInfo | Gets a list of objects that contains billing document identification information, for example the billing document identifier, amount, and account identifier. | Not applicable. |
RedeemCoupon | Redeems a coupon to the specified account. | 1 CouponCode |
SearchCoupons | Searches for coupons that match a specified criteria from within the set of coupons where the supplied customerID is identified as the ownerCustomer. | 4 Predicates |
SearchInsertionOrders | Searches for insertion orders that match a specified criteria. | 6 Predicates |
UpdateInsertionOrder | Updates an insertion order within the specified account. | 1 AccountId 1 InsertionOrder |