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App Install Ad Record - Bulk

Defines an app install ad that can be downloaded and uploaded in a bulk file.

App Install Ads are similar to text ads but provide direct links to your apps with a button, sending customers directly to the applicable store to download the application. This is an ideal solution for advertisers wanting to manage and drive downloads of their apps, rather than website traffic.

App Install Ads automatically detect the customer's mobile device and operating system, sending them to the corresponding Apple App Store or Google Play. You can also track conversions with the same conversion tracking partners as App Extensions: AppsFlyer, Kochava, Tune, Singular, Adjust, and Branch.


App Install Ads are available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States on iOS and Android only. Only apps available in the United States in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store are currently supported. There is no support for Windows.

Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry. It's coming soon.


App install ads can only be created in Search campaigns where the Ad Group Type is set to "SearchStandard". If the Ad Group Type is set to "SearchDynamic", then the ad group does not support app install ads.

You can download all App Install Ad records in the account by including the DownloadEntity value of AppInstallAds in the DownloadCampaignsByAccountIds or DownloadCampaignsByCampaignIds service request. Additionally the download request must include the EntityData scope. For more details about the Bulk service including best practices, see Bulk Download and Upload.

The following Bulk CSV example would add a new app install ad if a valid Parent Id value is provided.

Type,Status,Id,Parent Id,Campaign,Ad Group,Client Id,Modified Time,Title,Text,Display Url,Destination Url,Promotion,Device Preference,Name,App Platform,App Id,Final Url,Mobile Final Url,Tracking Template,Final Url Suffix,Custom Parameter
Format Version,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6.0,,,,,,,
App Install Ad,Active,,-1111,ParentCampaignNameGoesHere,AdGroupNameGoesHere,ClientIdGoesHere,,Contoso Quick Setup,Find New Customers & Increase Sales!,,,,All,,Android,AppStoreIdGoesHere,FinalUrlGoesHere,,,,{_promoCode}=PROMO1; {_season}=summer

If you are using the Bing Ads SDKs for .NET, Java, or Python, you can save time using the BulkServiceManager to upload and download the BulkAppInstallAd object, instead of calling the service operations directly and writing custom code to parse each field in the bulk file.

var uploadEntities = new List<BulkEntity>();

// Map properties in the Bulk file to the BulkAppInstallAd
var bulkAppInstallAd = new BulkAppInstallAd
    // 'Parent Id' column header in the Bulk file
    AdGroupId = adGroupIdKey,
    // 'Ad Group' column header in the Bulk file
    AdGroupName = "AdGroupNameGoesHere",
    // 'Campaign' column header in the Bulk file
    CampaignName = "ParentCampaignNameGoesHere",
    // 'Client Id' column header in the Bulk file
    ClientId = "ClientIdGoesHere",
    // Map properties in the Bulk file to the 
    // AppInstallAd object of the Campaign Management service.
    AppInstallAd = new AppInstallAd
        // 'App Platform' column header in the Bulk file
        AppPlatform = "Android",
        // 'App Id' column header in the Bulk file
        AppStoreId = "AppStoreIdGoesHere",
        // 'Device Preference' column header in the Bulk file
        DevicePreference = 0,
        // 'Final Url' column header in the Bulk file
        FinalUrls = new[] {
            // Each Url is delimited by a semicolon (;) in the Bulk file
        // 'Id' column header in the Bulk file
        Id = null,
        // 'Status' column header in the Bulk file
        Status = AdStatus.Active,
        // 'Text' column header in the Bulk file
        Text = "Find New Customers & Increase Sales!",
        // 'Title' column header in the Bulk file
        Title = "Contoso Quick Setup",
        // 'Tracking Template' column header in the Bulk file
        TrackingUrlTemplate = null,
        // 'Custom Parameter' column header in the Bulk file
        UrlCustomParameters = new CustomParameters
            // Each custom parameter is delimited by a semicolon (;) in the Bulk file
            Parameters = new[] {
                new CustomParameter(){
                    Key = "promoCode",
                    Value = "PROMO1"
                new CustomParameter(){
                    Key = "season",
                    Value = "summer"


var entityUploadParameters = new EntityUploadParameters
    Entities = uploadEntities,
    ResponseMode = ResponseMode.ErrorsAndResults,
    ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
    ResultFileName = DownloadFileName,
    OverwriteResultFile = true,

var uploadResultEntities = (await BulkServiceManager.UploadEntitiesAsync(entityUploadParameters)).ToList();

For an App Install Ad record, the following attribute fields are available in the Bulk File Schema. The combination of the App Id, App Platform, Text, and Title fields make the app install ad unique.

Ad Group

The name of the ad group that contains the ad.

Add: Read-only and Required
Update: Read-only and Required
Delete: Read-only and Required


For add, update, and delete, you must specify either the Parent Id or Ad Group field.

App Id

The application identifier provided by the app store.

If the application is new, please expect to wait 4-7 days before the ad will be eligible to deliver.

Add: Required
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.
Delete: Read-only

App Platform

The application platform.

Possible values include iOS and Android.

Add: Required
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.
Delete: Read-only


The name of the campaign that contains the ad group and ad.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Client Id

Used to associate records in the bulk upload file with records in the results file. The value of this field is not used or stored by the server; it is simply copied from the uploaded record to the corresponding result record. It may be any valid string to up 100 in length.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional
Delete: Read-only

Custom Parameter

Your custom collection of key and value parameters for URL tracking.

In a bulk file, the list of custom parameters are formatted as follows.

  • Format each custom parameter pair as Key=Value, for example {_promoCode}=PROMO1.

  • Microsoft Advertising will accept the first 8 custom parameter key and value pairs that you include, and if you include more than 8 custom parameters an error will be returned. Each key and value pair are delimited by a semicolon and space ("; "), for example {_promoCode}=PROMO1; {_season}=summer.

  • A Key cannot contain a semicolon. If a Value contains a semicolon it must be escaped as '\;'. Additionally if the Value contains a backslash it must also be escaped as '\'.

  • The Key cannot exceed 16 UTF-8 bytes, and the Value cannot exceed 250 UTF-8 bytes. The Key is required and the Value is optional. The maximum size of the Key does not include the braces and underscore i.e., '{', '_', and '}'.


    With the Bulk service the Key must be formatted with surrounding braces and a leading underscore, for example if the Key is promoCode, it must be formatted as {_promoCode}. With the Campaign Management service you cannot specify the surrounding braces and underscore.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. To remove all custom parameters, set this field to delete_value. The delete_value keyword removes the previous setting. To remove a subset of custom parameters, specify the custom parameters that you want to keep and omit any that you do not want to keep. The new set of custom parameters will replace any previous custom parameter set.
Delete: Read-only

Device Preference

This field determines whether the preference is for app install ads to be displayed on mobile and tablet devices or only on mobile devices. (App install ads are not currently supported on desktop computers.)

Possible values are All (mobile and tablet devices) and Mobile (i.e. excluding tablets), which differ from values used in the campaign management service.

The default value is All.

In the bulk download and upload results file, this field will never be empty. If you did not specify a device preference, the default value of All will be returned.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. If you set this field to the delete_value string, the prior setting is removed. If you set this field to delete_value, then you are effectively resetting to the default value of All.
Delete: Read-only

Editorial Appeal Status

Determines whether you can appeal the issues found by the editorial review.

Possible values are described in the table below.

Value Description
Appealable The editorial issue is appealable.
AppealPending The editorial issue is appealable and an appeal has been submitted.
NotAppealable The editorial issue is not appealable.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Editorial Location

The component or property of the ad that failed editorial review.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Editorial Reason Code

A code that identifies the reason for the failure. For a list of possible reason codes, see Editorial Reason Codes.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Editorial Status

The editorial status of the ad.

Possible values are described in the table below.

Value Description
Active The ad passed editorial review.
ActiveLimited The ad passed editorial review in one or more markets, and one or more elements of the ad is undergoing editorial review in another market. For example the ad passed editorial review for Canada and is still pending review in the United States.
Disapproved The ad failed editorial review.
Inactive One or more elements of the ad is undergoing editorial review.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Editorial Term

The term that failed editorial review.

This field will not be set if a combination of terms caused the failure or if the failure was based on a policy violation.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Final Url

The URL where a search user lands and can choose to install an app.

The following validation rules apply to Final Url for app install ads.

  • The length of the URL is limited to 2,048 characters. The HTTP or HTTPS protocol string does count towards the 2,048 character limit.
  • You may specify only one Url in this field.
  • Usage of '{' and '}' is only allowed to delineate tags, for example "{lpurl}".
  • Each URL must be a well-formed URL starting with either http:// or https://.

Add: Required
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.
Delete: Read-only

Final Url Suffix

The final URL suffix can include tracking parameters that will be appended to the end of your landing page URL. We recommend placing tracking parameters that your landing page requires in a final URL suffix so that your customers are always sent to your landing page. For more details and validation rules see Final URL Suffix in the technical guides.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. If you set this field to the delete_value string, the prior setting is removed.
Delete: Read-only


The system-generated identifier of the ad.

Add: Optional. You must either leave this field empty, or specify a negative identifier. A negative identifier set for the ad can then be referenced in the Parent Id field of dependent record types such as App Install Ad Label. This is recommended if you are adding new ads and new dependent records in the same Bulk file. For more information, see Bulk File Schema Reference Keys.
Update: Read-only and Required
Delete: Read-only and Required

Modified Time

The date and time that the entity was last updated. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


The date and time value reflects the date and time at the server, not the client. For information about the format of the date and time, see the dateTime entry in Primitive XML Data Types.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only

Parent Id

The system-generated identifier of the ad group that contains the ad.

This bulk field maps to the Id field of the Ad Group record.

Add: Read-only and Required. You must either specify an existing ad group identifier, or specify a negative identifier that is equal to the Id field of the parent Ad Group record. This is recommended if you are adding new ads to a new ad group in the same Bulk file. For more information, see Bulk File Schema Reference Keys.
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only


For add, update, and delete, you must specify either the Parent Id or Ad Group field.

Publisher Countries

The list of publisher countries or regions whose editorial guidelines do not allow the specified term.

In a bulk file, the list of publisher countries or regions are delimited with a semicolon (;).

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
Delete: Read-only


The status of the ad.

Possible values are Active, Paused, or Deleted.

Add: Optional. The default value is Active.
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.
Delete: Required. The Status must be set to Deleted.


The ad copy. The copy must contain at least one word. The ad's copy and title combined must total at least three words.

The ad copy cannot contain dynamic text strings such as {keyword}.

The maximum input length of the copy is 71 characters. Note that for ad groups that use Traditional Chinese, the text is limited to 38 characters.

The ad copy cannot contain the newline (\n) character.

Add: Required
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.
Delete: Read-only


The title of the ad. The title must contain at least one word. The ad's copy and title combined must total at least three words.

The title cannot contain dynamic text strings such as {keyword}.

The maximum input length of the title is 25 characters. Note that for ad groups that use Traditional Chinese, the title is limited to 15 characters.

The title cannot contain the newline (\n) character.

Add: Required
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed.
Delete: Read-only

Tracking Template

The tracking template to use as a default for the URL specified with FinalUrls.

The following validation rules apply to tracking templates. For more details about supported templates and parameters, see the Microsoft Advertising help article What tracking or URL parameters can I use?

  • Tracking templates defined for lower level entities e.g. ads override those set for higher level entities e.g. campaign. For more information, see Entity Limits.

  • The length of the tracking template is limited to 2,048 characters. The HTTP or HTTPS protocol string does count towards the 2,048 character limit.

  • The tracking template must be a well-formed URL beginning with one of the following: http://, https://, {lpurl}, or {unescapedlpurl}.

  • Microsoft Advertising does not validate whether custom parameters exist. If you use custom parameters in your tracking template and they do not exist, then the landing page URL will include the key and value placeholders of your custom parameters without substitution. For example, if your tracking template is{_season}&promocode={_promocode}&u={lpurl}, and neither {_season} or {_promocode} are defined at the campaign, ad group, criterion, keyword, or ad level, then the landing page URL will be the same.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. If you set this field to the delete_value string, the prior setting is removed.
Delete: Read-only