Получение указателей интерфейса конфигурации сети
Когда подсистема конфигурации сети инициализирует экземпляр объекта уведомления, как описано в разделе Создание и инициализация экземпляра объекта Notify, объект получает указатели интерфейса INetCfgComponent и INetCfg . INetCfgComponent указывает на интерфейс компонента объекта уведомления, который объект может использовать для доступа к компоненту и управления ей. INetCfg указывает на интерфейс конфигурации корневой сети, который объект notify может использовать для доступа ко всем аспектам конфигурации сети. Следующий код использует эти указатели интерфейса INetCfgComponent и INetCfg для получения других сетевых интерфейсов конфигурации, которые могут потребоваться объекту notify.
// Using the notify object's component interface that the notify
// object received:
INetCfgComponent *pncfgcompThis, *pncfgcompUp, *pncfgcompLow;
INetCfgComponentBindings *pncfgcompbind;
IEnumNetCfgBindingPath *penumncfgbindpath;
INetCfgBindingPath *pncfgbindpath;
IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface *penumncfgbindintrfc;
INetCfgBindingInterface *pncfgbindintrfc;
ULONG celt, celtFetched; // Number of requested and returned elements
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponentBindings to control and
// retrieve information about bindings for the component.
hr = pncfgcompThis->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgComponentBindings,
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgBindingPath to enumerate binding
// paths for the component.
hr = pncfgcompbind->EnumBindingPaths(dwFlags, &penumncfgbindpath);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgBindingPath that points to one or more
// binding paths for the component.
hr = penumncfgbindpath->Next(celt, &pncfgbindpath, &celtFetched);
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface to enumerate
// the collection of binding interfaces for the binding path.
hr = pncfgbindpath->EnumBindingInterfaces(&penumncfgbindintrfc);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgBindingInterface that points to one or
// more binding interfaces for the binding path.
hr = penumncfgbindintrfc->Next(celt, &pncfgbindintrfc, &celtFetched);
// Retrieve pointers to INetCfgComponent for network components
// above and below the binding interface.
hr = pcfgbindintrfc->GetUpperComponent(&pncfgcompUp);
hr = pcfgbindintrfc->GetLowerComponent(&pncfgcompLow);
// Using the root network configuration interface that the notify
// object received:
INetCfg *pnetcfg;
INetCfgLock *pncfglock;
INetCfgClass *pncfgclass;
INetCfgComponent *pncfgcompOther, *pncfgcompInstall;
INetCfgClassSetup *pncfgclsSetup
GUID *pguidClass; // For example, set to GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS
IEnumNetCfgComponent *penumncfgcomp;
HWND hwndParent; // Handle to Window for selecting.
OBO_TOKEN *pOboToken; // Another component or the user installs.
DWORD dwSetupFlags, dwUpgradeFromBuildNo;
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgLock to obtain a lock on network
// configuration.
hr = pnetcfg->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgLock, (LPVOID*)&pncfglock);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for a specific component.
hr = pnetcfg->FindComponent(TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), &pncfgcompOther);
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgComponent to enumerate
// the collection of a particular type of component.
hr = pnetcfg->EnumComponents(pguidClass, &penumncfgcomp);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgClass for a specific class of
// component.
hr = pnetcfg->QueryNetCfgClass(pguidClass, IID_INetCfgClass,
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for a specific component.
hr = pncfgclass->FindComponent(TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), &pncfgcompOther);
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgComponent to enumerate
// the collection of a particular type of component.
hr = pncfgclass->EnumComponents(&penumncfgcomp);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent that points to one or
// more components for the particular type of component.
hr = penumncfgcomp->Next(celt, &pncfgcompOther, &celtFetched);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgClassSetup that enables installation
// or removal of a particular type of component.
hr = pncfgclass->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgClassSetup,
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for an installed component.
hr = pncfgclsSetup->SelectAndInstall(hwndParent, pOboToken,
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for an installed component.
hr = pncfgclsSetup->Install(TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), pOboToken, dwSetupFlags,
dwUpgradeFromBuildNo, TEXT("AnswerFile"),
TEXT("AnswerFileSections"), &pncfgcompInstall);