Интерпретация примера файла журнала SetupAPI
В примерах журналов ниже показаны сведения, содержащиеся в файле журнала SetupAPI.
Как правило, все части установки отображаются вместе в файле журнала. Раздел установки в журнале начинается с записи формата [year/month/day time process-id.instance description], где instance — это число, которое гарантирует, что два раздела, созданных одновременно для одного процесса, уникальны.
Пример файла журнала установки Windows XPAPI
Для Windows XP каждая запись журнала содержит идентификатор сообщения, состоящий из буквы или дефиса (-), за которым следует число. В следующей таблице описан формат идентификаторов сообщений.
Идентификатор сообщения | Тип сообщений |
#Ennn |
Сообщение об ошибке. |
#Wnnn |
Предупреждающее сообщение. |
#Innn |
Информационное сообщение. |
#Tnnn |
Сообщение о времени. |
#Vnnn |
Подробное сообщение. |
#- Nnn |
Сообщение о состоянии. |
Следующие сегменты относятся к журналу ошибок Windows XP:
[2001/02/27 20:14:30 1148.173]
#-198 Command line processed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\devmgmt.msc"
#-147 Loading class installer module for "Communications Port".
@ 20:14:33.381 #V132 File "C:\WINDOWS\INF\certclas.inf" (key "certclas.inf") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5INF.CAT".
@ 20:14:33.810 #V132 File "C:\WINDOWS\System32\MsPorts.Dll" (key "MsPorts.Dll") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5.CAT".
@ 20:14:33.873 #V146 Using exported function "PortsClassInstaller" in module "C:\WINDOWS\System32\MsPorts.Dll".
@ 20:14:33.873 #V166 Device install function: DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI.
@ 20:14:33.873 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:14:33.873 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:14:33.889 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:14:33.889 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:14:36.302 #I060 Set selected driver.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): *pnp0501
@ 20:14:36.318 #V017 Enumerating files "C:\WINDOWS\inf".
(following #V lines are logged only if driver bits of log level >= 0x7000)
@ 20:14:36.556 #V392 Using INF cache "C:\WINDOWS\inf\INFCACHE.1".
@ 20:14:36.731 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF "accessor.inf".
@ 20:14:36.731 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF "agtinst.inf".
@ 20:14:37.318 #T075 Enumerating files: Directory pass completed.
@ 20:14:37.398 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "C:\WINDOWS\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:14:37.413 #I022 Found "*PNP0501" in C:\WINDOWS\inf\msports.inf; Device: "Communications Port"; Driver: "Communications Port"; Provider: "Microsoft"; Mfg: "(Standard port types)"; Section name: "ComPort".
(rank of 0 is absolute best match)
@ 20:14:37.413 #I023 Actual install section: [ComPort.NT]. Rank: 0x00001000. Effective driver date: 02/14/2001.
@ 20:14:37.413 #I022 Found "*PNP0501" in C:\WINDOWS\inf\msports.inf; Device: "Communications Port"; Driver: "Communications Port"; Provider: "Microsoft"; Mfg: "(Standard port types)"; Section name: "ComPort".
@ 20:14:37.413 #I023 Actual install section: [ComPort.NT]. Rank: 0x00000000. Effective driver date: 02/14/2001.
@ 20:14:37.413 #T076 Enumerating files: Cache pass completed.
@ 20:15:01.383 #V166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
@ 20:15:01.383 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:01.383 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:01.399 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:01.399 #I063 Selected driver installs from section [ComPort] in "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf".
@ 20:15:01.526 #I320 Class GUID of device remains {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
@ 20:15:01.526 #I060 Set selected driver.
@ 20:15:01.526 #I058 Selected best compatible driver.
@ 20:15:01.526 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:15:02.447 #V166 Device install function: DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL.
@ 20:15:02.447 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:02.447 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:02.447 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:02.447 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:15:02.463 #V166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES.
@ 20:15:02.463 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:02.463 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:02.463 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:02.463 #T200 Install Device: Begin.
@ 20:15:02.478 #V124 Doing copy-only install of "ROOT\*PNP0501\PNPBIOS_17".
@ 20:15:02.478 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.478 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\layout.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.494 #V011 Installing section [ComPort.NT] from "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf".
@ 20:15:02.494 #T203 Install Device: Queuing files from INF(s).
@ 20:15:02.510 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "C:\WINDOWS\INF\drvindex.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.590 #V094 Queued copy from section [ComPort.NT.Copy] in "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf": "serial.sys" to "serial.sys" with flags 0x80000024, target directory is "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS".
@ 20:15:02.590 #V096 Source in section [sourcedisksfiles] in "c:\windows\inf\layout.inf"; Media=1 Description="Windows XP Professional CD-ROM" Tag="\win51ip.b2" Path="\i386". Driver cache will be used.
@ 20:15:02.605 #V132 File "C:\WINDOWS\INF\certclas.inf" (key "certclas.inf") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5INF.CAT".
@ 20:15:02.605 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "C:\WINDOWS\INF\certclas.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.685 #V094 Queued copy from section [ComPort.NT.Copy] in "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf": "serenum.sys" to "serenum.sys" with flags 0x80000024, target directory is "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS".
@ 20:15:02.685 #V096 Source in section [sourcedisksfiles] in "c:\windows\inf\layout.inf"; Media=1 Description="Windows XP Professional CD-ROM" Tag="\win51ip.b2" Path="\i386". Driver cache will be used.
@ 20:15:02.685 #T204 Install Device: Queuing coinstaller files from INF(s).
@ 20:15:02.685 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.701 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\layout.inf" (Languge = 0409).
#-046 Processing Coinstaller registration section [ComPort.NT.CoInstallers].
@ 20:15:02.701 #V056 Coinstallers registered.
@ 20:15:02.717 #V011 Installing section [ComPort.NT.Interfaces] from "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf".
@ 20:15:02.732 #V054 Interfaces installed.
@ 20:15:02.732 #V121 Device install of "ROOT\*PNP0501\PNPBIOS_17" finished successfully.
@ 20:15:02.732 #T201 Install Device: End.
@ 20:15:02.748 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:15:02.748 #T185 Pruning Files: Verifying catalogs/infs.
@ 20:15:02.764 #V132 File "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (key "msports.inf") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5INF.CAT".
@ 20:15:02.812 #V132 File "c:\windows\inf\layout.inf" (key "layout.inf") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5INF.CAT".
@ 20:15:02.812 #T186 Pruning Files: Verifying catalogs/infs completed.
@ 20:15:02.859 #V132 File "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\serial.sys" (key "serial.sys") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5.CAT".
@ 20:15:02.875 #V191 File "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\serial.sys" pruned from copy.
@ 20:15:02.875 #V132 File "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\serenum.sys" (key "serenum.sys") is signed in catalog "C:\WINDOWS\System32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\NT5.CAT".
@ 20:15:02.875 #V191 File "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\serenum.sys" pruned from copy.
@ 20:15:02.875 #V166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
@ 20:15:02.923 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:02.939 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:02.939 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:02.939 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.939 #I056 Coinstallers registered.
@ 20:15:02.955 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:15:02.955 #V166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
@ 20:15:02.955 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:02.955 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:02.955 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:02.971 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:02.971 #V011 Installing section [ComPort.NT.Interfaces] from "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf".
@ 20:15:02.986 #I054 Interfaces installed.
@ 20:15:02.986 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:15:02.986 #V166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
@ 20:15:03.002 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:03.002 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:03.018 #T200 Install Device: Begin.
@ 20:15:03.018 #I123 Doing full install of "ROOT\*PNP0501\PNPBIOS_17".
@ 20:15:03.018 #V005 Opened the PNF file of "c:\windows\inf\msports.inf" (Languge = 0409).
@ 20:15:03.018 #T211 Install Device: Changing registry settings as specified by the INF(s).
@ 20:15:03.034 #T212 Install Device: Writing driver specific registry settings.
@ 20:15:03.050 #T213 Install Device: Installing required Windows services.
#-035 Processing service Add/Delete section [ComPort.NT.Services].
@ 20:15:03.320 #V282 Add Service: Modified existing service "Serial".
@ 20:15:03.653 #V282 Add Service: Modified existing service "Serenum".
@ 20:15:03.669 #T214 Install Device: Writing drive descriptive registry settings.
@ 20:15:03.669 #T216 Install Device: Restarting device.
@ 20:15:06.399 #T217 Install Device: Restarting device completed.
@ 20:15:06.399 #W114 Device "ROOT\*PNP0501\PNPBIOS_17" required reboot: Device has problem: 0x0c: CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT.
@ 20:15:06.399 #T222 Install Device: Calling RunOnce/GrpConv items.
@ 20:15:06.415 #I138 Executing RunOnce to process 5 RunOnce entries.
@ 20:15:07.241 #I121 Device install of "ROOT\*PNP0501\PNPBIOS_17" finished successfully.
@ 20:15:07.272 #T201 Install Device: End.
@ 20:15:07.336 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:07.368 #V166 Device install function: DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL.
@ 20:15:07.368 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:07.495 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:07.495 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:07.495 #V156 Completed default installer.
@ 20:15:42.100 #V166 Device install function: DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA.
@ 20:15:42.100 #T152 Executing class installer.
@ 20:15:42.100 #V153 Completed class installer.
@ 20:15:42.116 #V155 Executing default installer.
@ 20:15:42.116 #V156 Completed default installer.