Расширение !storagekd.storhelp отображает текст справки для команд расширения служба хранилища kd.dll.
служба хранилища kd.dll
Ниже приведен пример отображения !storagekd.storhelp :
0: kd> !storagekd.storhelp
# Storage Debugger Extension
## General Commands
!storhelp - Displays complete help of the commands provided in this KD extension
!storclass - Dumps all class devices managed by classpnp
!storadapter - Dumps all adapters managed by Storport
!storunit - Dumps all disks managed by Storport
## STORPORT specific commands
!storlogirp <args> - displays internal log entries that reference the specified IRP.
See '!storhelp storlogirp' for details.
!storloglist <args> - displays internal log entries. See '!storhelp storloglist' for details.
!storlogsrb <args> - displays internal log entries that reference the specified SRB.
See '!storhelp storlogsrb' for details.
!storsrb <address> - display details for the specified SCSI or STORAGE request block