Create a canvas app in Power Apps


Do you want to create apps to help make your business more efficient? Then this path is for you. It introduces you to Power Apps, helps you create and customize an app, and then manage and distribute it.


  • Familiarity with OneDrive, SharePoint, and Excel.

Modules in this learning path


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

This module introduces the learner to Power Apps. It starts with an introduction video briefly describing the "why" (case for Power Apps) and the "what" for what users can do with Power Apps. The units then take users through the "how" instilling in them the confidence that they can use Power Apps to interact with their data.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

In this module, we'll show learners how to customize their app, a necessary skill for taking advantage of the capabilities of Power Apps. This unit builds upon the app produced in the first unit.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

In this module, learners will learn how to build UI for their app including theming, icons, images, personalization, form factors, and controls. In their learning path, thus far, learners have used basic controls with little to no customization. This unit shows how to make an app more personal and help it fit branding or personal requirements.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

This module takes learners beyond basic navigation by introducing screen transitions and using controls other than buttons for navigation. It also introduces the concept of the documentation screen.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Manage app versions, app sharing, and environments in Power Apps.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Microsoft Power Apps is a powerful platform for building applications that can run on a user's desktop or mobile device. Depending on the requirements of the application, the canvas app from Power Apps might be used on mobile devices exclusively. In those instances, the canvas app must be mobile-optimized to provide the best user experience possible, which you can achieve through various design factors that will be covered in this module.