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Apps - Import Lu Format

Imports an application to LUIS, the application's structure is included in the request body.

POST {Endpoint}/luis/authoring/v3.0-preview/apps/import
POST {Endpoint}/luis/authoring/v3.0-preview/apps/import?format=lu&appName={appName}

URI Parameters

Name In Required Type Description
path True


Supported Cognitive Services endpoints (protocol and hostname, for example: https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com).



The application name to create. If not specified, the application name will be read from the imported object. If the application name already exists, an error is returned.

Request Header

Media Types: "text/plain"

Name Required Type Description
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key True


Request Body

Media Types: "text/plain"

Name Type Description


A LUIS application structure.


Name Type Description
201 Created


The ID of the imported application.

Other Status Codes


Error Response.



Type: apiKey
In: header


Successful Import Application

Sample request

POST {Endpoint}/luis/authoring/v3.0-preview/apps/import?format=lu&appName=Test LUIS App

"> LUIS application information\r\n> !# @app.name = Json 600 App\r\n> !# @app.desc = Json 600 App\r\n> !# @app.versionId = 0.1\r\n> !# @app.culture = en-us\r\n> !# @app.luis_schema_version = 6.0.0\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Intent definitions\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Calendar.AcceptEventEntry; domain_name : Calendar; model_name : AcceptEventEntry\r\n\r\n## Calendar.AcceptEventEntry\r\n- save the date may 17 {@Calendar.Subject=pictures party}\r\n- schedule {@Calendar.Subject=appointment} for tomorrow please\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Meeting My Manager}\r\n- The meeting will last for one hour\r\n- Add an event to visit 209 Nashville Gym\r\n- Add {@Calendar.Subject=imax theater} to my upcoming events\r\n- dunmore pa sonic sounds Friday morning please\r\n- Add a new task {@Calendar.Subject=finish assignment}\r\n- Add a new event on 27 - Apr\r\n- calendar i ' ll be at the garage from 8 till 3 this saturday\r\n- Add an event to {@Calendar.Subject=read about adam lambert news}\r\n\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Communication.AddContact; domain_name : Communication; model_name : AddContact\r\n\r\n## Communication.AddContact\r\n\r\n\r\n@ intent Communication.AddContact usesFeatures simpleentity1,phraselist1\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Communication.AddMore; domain_name : Communication; model_name : AddMore\r\n\r\n## Communication.AddMore\r\n\r\n\r\n> !# @intent.inherits = name : Communication.Confirm; domain_name : Communication; model_name : Confirm\r\n\r\n## Communication.Confirm\r\n\r\n\r\n## intent1\r\n\r\n\r\n## None\r\n- a\r\n- hi {@simpleentity1=guys}\r\n- Please just delete {@Calendar.Subject=my meeting}\r\n- Extend {@Calendar.Subject=lunch meeting} 30 minutes extra\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Marketing meetings} on Tuesdays will now be every Wednesday please change on my calendar\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Appointment with Johnson} needs to be next week\r\n- Search for {@Calendar.Subject=meetings with Chris}\r\n- I want to reschedule the {@Calendar.Subject=meeting at the air force club}\r\n- Move the {@Calendar.Subject=BBQ party} to Friday\r\n- Am i free to {@Calendar.Subject=be with friends} saturday ?\r\n- Delete {@Calendar.Subject=Helen Fred ' s birthday}\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=Call dad Mike}\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=The workshop} will last for 10 hours\r\n- {@Calendar.Subject=email cloney John}\r\n- Change {@Calendar.Subject=the meeting with Chris} to 9 : 00 am\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Entity definitions\r\n\r\n> !# @entity.inherits = name : Calendar.Subject; domain_name : Calendar; model_name : Subject\r\n\r\n@ ml Calendar.Subject usesFeatures simpleentity1\r\n\r\n@ ml simpleentity1\r\n\r\n@ ml a1 hasRole role_a1\r\n    - @ datetimeV2 b1\r\n    - @ ml c1\r\n        - @ ml d1 usesFeatures phraselist1\r\n            - @ datetimeV2 e1 usesFeatures phraselist1\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n> # PREBUILT Entity definitions\r\n\r\n@ prebuilt age\r\n\r\n@ prebuilt datetimeV2\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Phrase list definitions\r\n\r\n@ phraselist phraselist1(interchangeable) = \r\n\t- why,where,when,what,how,who\r\n\r\n\r\n> # List entities\r\n\r\n@ list closedlist = \r\n\t- a :\r\n\t\t- b\r\n\t\t- c\r\n\t\t- d\r\n\r\n\r\n> # RegEx entities\r\n\r\n\r\n> # Composite entities\r\n\r\n@ composite compositeentity1 usesFeatures simpleentity1,Calendar.Subject = [simpleentity1, datetimeV2]\r\n"

Sample response

Location: https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/api/v2.0/apps/374fac89-ae12-4afd-8c21-8a6424ce1c1f



Error response when invoking an operation on the API.

Name Type Description
