ServiceBusMessage Class
A ServiceBuss message object.
ServiceBusMessage(*, body: str | bytes | None = None, content_type: str | None = None, correlation_id: str | None = None)
Name | Description |
A string or bytes instance specifying the message body. |
An optional string specifying the content type. |
An optional string specifying the correlation id. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
get_body |
Return message content as bytes. |
Return message content as bytes.
get_body() -> bytes
Gets the application properties bag, which can be used for custom message metadata.
Dict[str, Any]: If user has set application properties for the message, returns a dictionary. If nothing is set, returns an empty dictionary.
Optionally describes the payload of the message, with a descriptor following the format of RFC2045
Optional[str] If content type is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
Enables an application to specify a context for the message for the purposes of correlation
Optional[str] If correlation id set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
Optionally describes the dead letter error description for the message.
Optional[str] If dead letter error description is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
Optionally describes the dead letter reason description for the message.
Optional[str] If dead letter reason description is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
Only set in messages that have been dead-lettered and subsequently auto-forwarded from the dead-letter queue to another entity. Indicates the entity in which the message was dead-lettered. This property is read-only.
Optional[str] If dead letter source is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message. The count is incremented when a message lock expires, or the message is explicitly abandoned by the receiver. This property is read-only.
Optional[str] If delivery count is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
For messages that have been auto-forwarded, this property reflects the sequence number that had first been assigned to the message at its original point of submission. This property is read-only. Optionally describes the enqueued sequence number of the message.
Optional[int] If enqueued sequence number is set, returns an integer. Otherwise, returns None.
The UTC instant at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. This value can be used as an authoritative and neutral arrival time indicator when the receiver does not want to trust the sender's clock. This property is read-only.
Optional[datetime.datetime] If enqueued time utc is set, returns a datetime. Otherwise, returns None.
(Deprecated, use expires_at_utc instead)
The UTC instant at which the message is marked for removal and no longer available for retrieval from the entity due to its expiration. Expiry is controlled by the TimeToLive property and this property is computed from EnqueuedTimeUtc+TimeToLive. This property is read-only.
Optional[datetime.datetime] If expires at utc is set, returns a datetime. Otherwise, returns None.
This property enables the application to indicate the purpose of the message to the receiver in a standardized fashion, similar to an email subject line.
Optional[str] If label is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
The lock token is a reference to the lock that is being held by the broker in peek-lock receive mode. The token can be used to pin the lock permanently through the Deferral API and, with that, take the message out of the regular delivery state flow. This property is read-only.
Optional[str] If local token is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
For messages retrieved under a lock (peek-lock receive mode, not pre-settled) this property reflects the UTC instant until which the message is held locked in the queue/subscription. When the lock expires, the DeliveryCount is incremented and the message is again available for retrieval. This property is read-only.Optionally describes the date and time in UTC until which the message will be locked in the queue/subscription.
Optional[datetime.datetime] If locked until is set, returns a datetime. Otherwise, returns None.
The message identifier is an application-defined value that uniquely identifies the message and its payload. The identifier is a free-form string and can reflect a GUID or an identifier derived from the application context. If enabled, the duplicate detection feature identifies and removes second and further submissions of messages with the same MessageId.
str The message identifier
Getting read-only trigger metadata in a Python dictionary.
Exposing the raw trigger_metadata to our customer. For cardinality=many scenarios, each event points to the common metadata of all the events.
So when using metadata field when cardinality=many, it only needs to take one of the events to get all the data (e.g. events[0].metadata).
Dict[str, object] Return the Python dictionary of trigger metadata
For partitioned entities, setting this value enables assigning related messages to the same internal partition, so that submission sequence order is correctly recorded. The partition is chosen by a hash function over this value and cannot be chosen directly. For session-aware entities, the SessionId property overrides this value.
Optional[str] If partition key is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
This optional and application-defined value is a standard way to express a reply path to the receiver of the message. When a sender expects a reply, it sets the value to the absolute or relative path of the queue or topic it expects the reply to be sent to.
Optional[str] If reply to is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
This value augments the ReplyTo information and specifies which SessionId should be set for the reply when sent to the reply entity.
Optional[str] If reply to session id is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
(Deprecated, use scheduled_enqueue_time_utc instead)
For messages that are only made available for retrieval after a delay, this property defines the UTC instant at which the message will be logically enqueued, sequenced, and therefore made available for retrieval.
Optional[datetime.datetime] If scheduled enqueue time utc is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
The sequence number is a unique 64-bit integer assigned to a message as it is accepted and stored by the broker and functions as its true identifier. For partitioned entities, the topmost 16 bits reflect the partition identifier. Sequence numbers monotonically increase and are gapless. They roll over to 0 when the 48-64 bit range is exhausted. This property is read-only.
Optional[int] If sequence number is set, returns an integer. Otherwise, returns None.
For session-aware entities, this application-defined value specifies the session affiliation of the message. Messages with the same session identifier are subject to summary locking and enable exact in-order processing and demultiplexing. For entities that are not session-aware, this value is ignored.
Optional[str] If session id is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
The state of the message can be Active, Deferred, or Scheduled. Deferred messages have Deferred state, scheduled messages have Scheduled state, all other messages have Active state. States are represented by corresponding integer values. Active = 0, Deferred = 1, Scheduled = 2.
Optional[int] If state is set, returns an integer. Otherwise, returns None.
This property enables the application to indicate the purpose of the message to the receiver in a standardized fashion, similar to an email subject line. The mapped AMQP property is "subject". Optionally describes the application specific label.
Optional[str] If subject is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
This value is the relative duration after which the message expires, starting from the instant the message has been accepted and stored by the broker, as captured in EnqueueTimeUtc. When not set explicitly, the assumed value is the DefaultTimeToLive for the respective queue or topic. A message-level TimeToLive value cannot be longer than the entity's DefaultTimeToLive setting. If it is longer, it is silently adjusted.
Optional[datetime.timedelta] If time to live is set, returns a timedelta. Otherwise, returns None.
This property is reserved for future use in routing scenarios and currently ignored by the broker itself. Applications can use this value in rule-driven auto-forward chaining scenarios to indicate the intended logical destination of the message.
Optional[str] If the recipient is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
If a message is sent via a transfer queue in the scope of a transaction, this value selects the transfer queue partition: This is functionally equivalent to PartitionKey and ensures that messages are kept together and in order as they are transferred. Optionally describes the partition key. Maximum length is 128 characters.
Optional[str] If transaction partition key is set, returns a string. Otherwise, returns None.
Contains user defined message properties.
Dict[str, Any]: If user has set properties for the message, returns a dictionary. If nothing is set, returns an empty dictionary.
Azure SDK for Python