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How to: Use the Task List Manager

You can keep track of tasks using the Task List Manager, which stores tasks in the FoxTask.dbf table file. You can create the following types of tasks:

  • **Shortcut   **References a specific line of code you might want to edit or view later.

  • User-defined   Specifies a to-do or information item you might want to track. These are added manually.

  • Other   A custom task. You must add this type of task programmatically in your application.


    Make sure to set the Type field of the custom task to "O" in FoxTask.dbf file, which is referenced by the _FOXTASK system variable. For more information, see _FoxTask System Variable.

To open the Task List Manager

  • On the Tools menu, click Task List.

For more information, see Task List Manager Window.

You can perform many actions in the Task List Manager, such as add, edit, prioritize, set status for, and delete tasks.

Adding Tasks

You can add shortcut and user-defined tasks in the Task List Manager.

To add a shortcut task

  1. Open the program file in which you want to create the shortcut.

  2. In the code editing window, select the line of code that you want to create as a shortcut.

  3. On the Edit menu, point to Bookmarks and click Toggle Task List Shortcut.

You can also add a shortcut by doing one of the following after selecting the line of code:

  • Right-click the selected code and click Add Task List Shortcut.

  • Press ALT+F2 to add or remove the shortcut.

  • Press and hold the CTRL key, and then double-click the Editor's Selection Margin.

Shortcut tasks are indicated by an arrow icon in the task type column.

To add a user-defined task

  1. In the Tasks window, click Click here to add a new task in the Contents column.

    A cursor appears in the text box.

  2. Type information about the task you want to perform.

  3. When you are finished, press RETURN or click outside the text box.

    The task is added to the end of the list so you can enter additional information.

User-defined tasks are indicated by a person/task icon in the task type column.

Editing Tasks

You can edit a task directly in the Task List or using the Task Properties dialog box. The Task Properties dialog box contains the Task and Fields tabs, which displays information for all available fields, even if they are not shown in the Tasks window.


Double-clicking a shortcut task in the Tasks window opens the appropriate editing window and moves directly to that shortcut.

To edit a task in the Task Properties dialog box

  1. In the task type column (third column from the left), double-click the icon next to the task.

  2. In the Task Properties dialog box, click the Task tab.

  3. Edit the fields and settings you want.

You can also open the Task Properties dialog box by right-clicking the task, and clicking Open Task.

Prioritizing Tasks

You can set and organize priorities for tasks.

To set a priority for a task

  1. In the priority column, indicated by an exclamation mark (!), click the box for the task you want

  2. From the list, select a priority.

You can organize tasks by priority by clicking the priority column header. You can also enter a due date for a task.

Marking Tasks

You can mark tasks to indicate their status as read or complete in the Task List Manager.

Tasks that are not yet read appear in bold. You can mark tasks as read when you are finished reading about the task.

To mark a task as read

  • Right-click the task, and click Mark as Read.

    When a task is read, it no longer appears in bold.

You can also mark a task as read by opening the Task Properties dialog box, clicking the Task tab, and selecting the Read check box.

You can mark tasks as complete when you are finished with the task.

To mark a task as complete

  • In the task list column, or second column from the left, select the check box for the task you want to complete.

    When a task is complete, it appears as strikethrough text.

You can also mark a task as complete by right-clicking the task, and clicking Mark as Complete or by opening the Task Properties dialog box, clicking the Task tab, and selecting the Complete check box.

Deleting Tasks

You can delete tasks in the Task List Manager.


Shortcut tasks are deleted automatically when you remove the shortcut in the editing window.

To delete a task

  • Right-click the task, and click Delete Task.

Adding Files to User-Defined Tasks

Shortcut tasks have a file automatically associated with them. You can add file associations to user-defined or other tasks, although it is not required.

To add a file association

  • In the File Name field for the task, type the full path and name of the file and any additional information required, such as line or method.

You can also add a file association by opening the Task Properties dialog box, and entering the file name in the File Name field.

Opening Files for Editing

You can open and edit files associated with tasks.

To open and edit a file associated with a task

  • Double-click the task in the Tasks window.

You can also right-click shortcut tasks or user-defined tasks that have file associations, and click Open File.

Editing Custom Fields

You can edit custom fields that exist in the Task List Manager.

To edit custom fields

  1. In the task type column (third column from the left), double-click the icon next to the task.

  2. In the Task Properties dialog box, click the Fields tab.

    A list of available custom fields appears.

Cleaning and Editing the Task List Table

You can clean the Task List table and edit the structure of the user-defined columns table.

To clean the Task List table

  1. Right-click the Tasks window, and click Options.

  2. In the Tasklist Options dialog box, click Clean Up FoxTask.

To edit the structure of the user-defined columns table

  1. Right-click the Tasks window, and click Options.

  2. In the Tasklist Options dialog box, click Edit Structure.

You can also customize the Task List manager by sorting or filtering tasks, and selecting or adding custom fields. For more information, see Customizing the Task List Manager.

See Also


How to: Create Bookmarks and Task List Shortcuts


Task List Manager Window

_FoxTask System Variable

_TASKLIST System Variable

Other Resources

Utility Programs