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VSSFlags Enumeration 

Defines various SourceSafe settings.

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.SourceSafe.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.SourceSafe.Interop (in microsoft.visualstudio.sourcesafe.interop.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
<GuidAttribute("783CD4EF-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F")> _
Public Enumeration VSSFlags
Dim instance As VSSFlags
public enum VSSFlags
public enum class VSSFlags
/** @attribute FlagsAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute GuidAttribute("783CD4EF-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F") */ 
public enum VSSFlags
public enum VSSFlags


  Member name Description
VSSFLAG_BINBINARY Indicates that a file is binary.  

When this flag is set, SourceSafe sets the added file type to binary.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_BINTEST Indicates that Visual SourceSafe auto-detects the file to determine whether it is text or binary. 

When this flag is set, SourceSafe auto-detects the added file type. SourceSafe looks for embedded NULL characters during the test to determine type.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_BINTEXT Indicates that a file is text. 

When this flag is set, SourceSafe sets the added file type to text.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVENO Indicates that a checkout is non-exclusive. Multiple checkouts are allowed with this option. 

When this flag is set, SourceSafe allows the IVSSItem to be checked out by multiple users.

SourceSafe allows the files to be checked out by more than one user. The Allow Multiple CheckOuts option in the SourceSafe Admin utility must be set for this flag to be effective. If the Allow Multiple CheckOuts option is not set, this flag is ignored, and all files are checked out exclusively. The Allow Multiple CheckOuts option is not exposed in VSS Automation.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:

VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVENO (default if Allow Multiple CheckOutsis enabled)

VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVEYES (default if Allow Multiple CheckOuts is disabled)

VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVEYES Indicates that a checkout is exclusive.  

When this flag is set, SourceSafe prevents the item from being checked out by multiple users.

SourceSafe allows the files to be checked out by more than one user. The Allow Multiple CheckOuts option in the SourceSafe Admin utility must be set for this flag to be effective. If the Allow Multiple CheckOuts option is not set, this flag is ignored, and all files are checked out exclusively. The Allow Multiple CheckOuts option is not exposed in Automation.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:

VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVENO (default if Allow Multiple CheckOutsis enabled)

VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVEYES (default if Allow Multiple CheckOuts is disabled)

VSSFLAG_CKOUTLOCALVER This indicates the check out model to be used when performing a check out. If this flag is specified, the check out operation will not retrieve the latest version of the file being checked out. Instead it will check out the version that was most recently gotten in to the working folder. If the flag is not specified, then the check out will download the latest version. 
VSSFLAG_CMPCHKSUM Specifies a checksum comparison. This is the default flag. 

Use this flag with the Checkin, Get, or UndoCheckout methods to compare checksums of the local copy and the SourceSafe master copy. If the local copy is up-to-date, SourceSafe does not replace it with the master copy.

This flag identifies the recommended difference comparison mechanism.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





Only one flag from this group may be used at a time.

VSSFLAG_CMPFAIL Specifies no comparison mechanism. 

Use this flag with the Checkin, Get, or UndoCheckout methods to always replace the local copy with the SourceSafe master copy.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





Only one flag from this group may be used at a time.

VSSFLAG_CMPFULL Specifies a full text comparison. 

Use this flag with the Checkin, Get, or UndoCheckout methods to compare the text contents of the local copy and the SourceSafe master copy. If the local copy is up-to-date, SourceSafe does not replace it with the master copy.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





Only one flag from this group may be used at a time.

VSSFLAG_CMPTIME Specifies a timestamp comparison. 

Use this flag with the Checkin, Get, or UndoCheckout methods to compare date/time stamp of the local copy and the SourceSafe master copy. If the local copy is up-to-date, SourceSafe does not replace it with the master copy.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





Only one flag from this group may be used at a time.


Indicates whether the local copy should be deleted after an Add, Checkin, or UndoCheckout.

When this flag is set, the local copy is not deleted.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_DELNOREPLACE Indicates that the local copy of a file is not replaced by an UndoCheckout operation. 

When this flag is set, the local copy is not replaced with the SourceSafe master copy and its read-only flag is set to true.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_DELTANO Indicates that an added file does not retain its historical versions. 

Use this flag with the Add method.

When this flag is set, the file does not retain its historical versions.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_DELTAYES Indicates that an added file retains its historical versions. 

Use this flag with the Add method.

When this flag is set, the file retains its historical versions.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_DELYES Indicates that the local copy of a file is deleted when it is checked in. 

Indicates whether the local copy should be deleted after an Add, Checkin, or UndoCheckout.

When this flag is set, the local copy is deleted.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_EOLCR Indicates that an end-of-line character is a carriage-return. 

Use this flag with the Checkout, Get, or Branch methods.

When this flag is set, SourceSafe appends a carriage-return character to the end of the text file that does not end with a carriage-return. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




If no flags are set, the end-of-line character is not modified.

VSSFLAG_EOLCRLF Indicates that an end-of-line character is a carriage-return/line-feed. This is the default. 

Use this flag with the Checkout, Get, or Branch methods.

When this flag is set, SourceSafe appends carriage-return and line-feed characters to the end of the text file that does not end with a carriage-return/line-feed. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




If no flags are set, the end-of-line character is not modified.

VSSFLAG_EOLLF Indicates that an end-of-line character is a line-feed. 

Use this flag with the Checkout, Get, or Branch methods.

When this flag is set, SourceSafe appends a line-feed character to the end of the text file that does not end with a line-feed. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




If no flags are set, the end-of-line character is not modified.

VSSFLAG_FORCEDIRNO Used to override the working folder specifications. 

Use this flag with the GetSystem.String@,System.Int32), Checkout, Checkin, UndoCheckout, or Branch methods.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_FORCEDIRYES Used to maintain the working folder settings. This is the default. 

Use this flag with the GetSystem.String@,System.Int32), Checkout, Checkin, UndoCheckout, or Branch methods.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_GETNO Indicates that the local copy should not be replaced with the SourceSafe master copy on commands that do an automatic Get. 

Use this flag with the Checkoutand Share methods.

When this flag is set, the local copy is not replaced with the master copy.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_GETYES Indicates that the local copy should be replaced with the SourceSafe master copy on commands that do an automatic Get. 

Use this flag with the Checkout and Share methods.

When this flag is set, the local copy is replaced with the master copy.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_HISTIGNOREFILES Indicates that the file check ins are excluded from the IVSSVersions collection.  

When this flag is set, the file check ins are excluded from the IVSSVersions collection.

VSSFLAG_KEEPNO Indicates that SourceSafe does not keep a file checked out during a check in operation. 

Use this flag with the Add, or Checkin methods.

When this flag is set, the file is checked in and the local copy is set to read-only.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_KEEPYES Indicates that SourceSafe keeps a file checked out during a check in operation. 

Use this flag with the Add or Checkin methods.

When this flag is set, the file remains checked out and the local copy is set to read/write.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_RECURSNO Indicates that a command should not be recursive (act on an entire project tree). This is the default. 

Use this flag with the Checkin, Checkout, Get or Share methods.

When this flag is set, the command is non-recursive.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_RECURSYES Indicates that a command should be recursive (act on an entire project tree). 

Use this flag with the Checkin, Checkout, Get, or Share methods.

When this flag is set, the command is recursive.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:



VSSFLAG_REPASK Represents the use of a dialog box that prompts the user to determine whether the writable file is replaced, skipped, or merged. This is the default. 

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkin, Checkout, GetSystem.String@,System.Int32), or UndoCheckout methods.

Use these constants to specify local computer action for writable files. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time. This flag belongs to the group of flags:





VSSFLAG_REPMERGE Represents merge changes for writable files on the local computer. 

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkin, Checkout, GetSystem.String@,System.Int32), or UndoCheckout methods.

When this flag is set, SourceSafe merges files at the same time modified by multiple users into the local copy. Use these constants to specify local computer action for writable files. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





VSSFLAG_REPREPLACE A flag that represents that writable files on the local computer are replaced. 

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkin, Checkout, GetSystem.String@,System.Int32), or UndoCheckout methods.

When this flag is set, the local copy is replaced with the SourceSafe master copy. Use these constants to specify local computer action for writable files. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





VSSFLAG_REPSKIP A flag that represents that writable files on the local computer are skipped.  

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkin, Checkout, GetSystem.String@,System.Int32), or UndoCheckout methods.

When this flag is set, the local writable copy is not replaced with the SourceSafe master copy. Use these constants to specify local computer action for writable files. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:





VSSFLAG_TIMEMOD Timestamp uses the last modified time. 

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkout, or Get methods.

When this flag is set, the date/time of the local copy is set to last modification date and time. This is typically used during a Get operation. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_TIMENOW Timestamp uses the current time. This is the default. 

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkout, or Get methods.

When this flag is set, the date/time of the local copy is set to the current date and time. This is typically used during a Get operation. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_TIMEUPD Timestamp uses the last check in time. 

Use this flag with the Branch, Checkout, or Get methods.

When this flag is set, the date/time of the local copy is set to the date and time of the last check-in. This is typically used during a Get operation. Only one constant from this group may be used at a time.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_UPDASK Indicates that the user will be prompted to answer whether an unchanged local copy should be registered as a Checkin or an UndoCheckout

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_UPDUNCH Indicates that an unchanged local copy will cause an UndoCheckout when a Checkin is attempted. 

Use this flag with the Checkin method.

When this flag is set, SourceSafe does UndoCheckout of the unchanged local copy.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_UPDUPDATE Indicates that an unchanged local copy performs a Checkin

When this flag is set, SourceSafe does Checkin of the unchanged local copy and creates a new IVSSVersion.

This flag belongs to the group of flags:




VSSFLAG_USERRONO Used to set the file read-only flag to OFF.  

It is recommended that you do not use this constant.

This flag belongs to the following group of flags:



VSSFLAG_USERROYES Used to set the file read-only flag to OFF. This is the default flag.  

It is recommended that you do not use this constant.

This flag belongs to the following group of flags:




SourceSafe settings are defined by the system and/or the SS.INI file of the current user. If you want to change a particular behavior, you must set one or several flags. You can combine flags using the following syntax:



See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.SourceSafe.Interop Namespace


Work Styles