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How to: Upgrade a Database

You can upgrade a Visual SourceSafe database if its version is 3.0 or later. You are prompted for upgrades when creating a database for the first time, as described in How to: Add a Database. If you have chosen to wait to upgrade an existing database, you can run the DDUPD utility at any time. DDUPD can also be used to undo an upgrade. See DDUPD Utility for details of this maintenance tool.

To upgrade a database:

  1. Ask your users to quit the Visual SourceSafe database. They can, however, keep files checked out.

  2. Back up the database as described in How to: Archive a Database.

  3. At the command prompt, navigate to the database directory for your Visual SourceSafe server installation.

  4. Type the following, followed by a carriage return:

    ddupd <path to Data directory>

    For example:

    ddupd \\<server>\<share>\vss\data
  5. Check the database directories to ensure that the projects have been copied successfully.

  6. If you find that some projects containing subprojects don't appear in the list with the correct expansion symbol ([+] or [-]), or if you have problems with label retrieval, you might need to run DDUPD again to correct the display:

    ddupd \\<server>\<share>\vss\data -REDO
  7. Notify your users that the upgraded database is available.

To undo an upgrade:

  1. Ask your users to quit the Visual SourceSafe database. They can, however, keep files checked out.

  2. At the command prompt, navigate to the database directory of your Visual SourceSafe server installation.

  3. Now type the following:

    ddupd <path to Data directory> -UNDO

    For example:

    ddupd \\<server>\<share>\vss\data -UNDO
  4. Check the path to ensure that the database upgrade has been undone successfully.

  5. Notify your users that the database is available again.

See Also


How to: Add a Database
How to: Archive a Database


DDUPD Utility