Make a Connection Group Ignore the Package Version
Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 5.0 SP3 enables you to configure a connection group to use any version of a package, which simplifies package upgrades and reduces the number of connection groups you need to create.
To upgrade a package in earlier versions of App-V, you had to perform several steps, including disabling the connection group and modifying the connection group’s XML definition file.
Task description with App-V 5.0 SP3
How to perform the task with App-V 5.0 SP3
You can configure a connection group to accept any version of a package, which enables you to upgrade the package without having to disable the connection group.
How the feature works:
If the connection group has access to multiple versions of a package, the latest version is used.
If the connection group contains an optional package that has an incorrect version, the package is ignored and won’t block the connection group’s virtual environment from being created.
If the connection group contains a non-optional package that has an incorrect version, the connection group’s virtual environment cannot be created.
App-V Server – Management Console
In the Management Console, select PACKAGES > CONNECTION GROUPS.
Select the correct connection group from the Connection Groups library.
Select Use Any Version check box next to the package name, and click Apply.