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Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XP

The tracerpt command can be used to parse Event Trace Logs, log files generated by Performance Monitor, and real-time Event Trace providers. It generates dump files, report files, and report schemas.

For examples of how to use tracerpt, see Examples.


tracerpt <[-l] <value [value [...]]>|-rt <session_name [session_name [...]]>> [options]


Option flag Description


Displays context sensitive help.

-config <filename>

Load a settings file containing command options.


Answer yes to all questions without prompting.

-f <XML | HTML>

Define report format.

-of <CSV | EVTX | XML>

Define dump format. Default is XML.

-df <filename>

Create a Microsoft-specific counting/reporting schema file.

-int <filename>

Dump the interpreted event structure to the specified file.


Report raw timestamp in the event trace header. Can only be used with -o, not -report or -summary.

-tmf <filename>

Specify a Trace Message Format definition file.

-tp <value>

Specify the TMF file search path. Multiple paths may be used, separated by a semicolon (;).

-i <value>

Specify the provider image path. The matching PDB will be located in the Symbol Server. Multiple paths can be used, separated by a semicolon (;).

-pdb <value>

Specify the symbol server path. Multiple paths can be used, separated by a semicolon (;).


Convert WPP payload timestamps to Greenwich Mean Time.

-rl <value>

Define System Report Level from 1 to 5. Default is 1.

-summary [filename]

Generate a summary report text file. Filename if not specified is summary.txt.

-o [filename]

Generate a text output file. Filename if not specified is dumpfile.xml.

-report [filename]

Generate a text output report file. Filename if not specified is workload.xml.


Specify "less restrictive." This uses best efforts for events that do not match the events schema.

-export [filename]

Generate an Event Schema export file. Filename if not specified is schema.man.

[-l] <value [value […]]>

Specify the Event Trace log file to process.

-rt <session_name [session_name […]]>

Specify Real-time Event Trace Session data sources.


  • This example creates a report based on the two event logs logfile1.etl and logfile2.etl and creates the dump file logdump.xml in XML format.

    tracerpt logfile1.etl logfile2.etl -o logdump.xml -of XML
  • This example creates a report based on the event log logfile.etl, creates the dump file logdmp.xml in XML format, uses best efforts to identify events not in the schema, produces a summary report file logdump.txt, and produces the report file logrpt.xml.

    tracerpt logfile.etl -o logdmp.xml -of XML -lr -summary logdmp.txt -report logrpt.xml
  • This example uses the two event logs logfile1.etl and logfile2.etl to produce a dump file and report file with the default filenames.

    tracerpt logfile1.etl logfile2.etl -o -report
  • This example uses the event log logfile.etl and the performance log counterfile.blg to produce the report file logrpt.xml and the Microsoft-specific XML schema file schema.xml.

    tracerpt logfile.etl counterfile.blg -report logrpt.xml -df schema.xml
  • This example reads the real-time Event Trace Session "NT Kernel Logger" and produces the dump file logfile.csv in CSV format.

    tracerpt -rt "NT Kernel Logger" -o logfile.csv -of CSV