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Additional New Server Cluster Wizard information

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Additional New Server Cluster Wizard Information

Problems that occur when you use the New Server Cluster Wizard to create a new server cluster are usually the result of misconfigured cluster networks and hardware or permissions issues with the Cluster service account. You can use the information in this topic to help diagnose and troubleshoot these problems.

This topic contains overviews of clustering technology, additional information on error and event log messages, step-by-step implementation guides, scenarios, top troubleshooting issues, and relevant Knowledge Base (KB) articles from the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site.

Top Troubleshooting Issues

Error and Event Log Messages

To search for additional information on error and event log messages, click Error and Event Log Messages in Help and Support Center.

Top Knowledge Base (KB) articles

For information about server clusters, see the following key articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Problem Area Key KB Article # Title

Understanding virtual servers


Using Microsoft Cluster Server to Create a Virtual Server

Event 1034 occurs when replacing a shared SCSI disk


Recovering from an Event ID 1034 on a Server Cluster

Network configuration errors


Microsoft Cluster Service Installation Resources

Creating clustered home folders


Implementing Home Folders on a Server Cluster

Setting up clustered printers


How to Set up a Print Spooler on Microsoft Cluster Server

Starting the Cluster service


Cluster Service Does Not Start with Event ID 7000: Not Responding to Control Function

Accessing cluster disks


Cluster Disks May Be Incorrectly Accessible from All Nodes

Setting up "heartbeat" configurations for private networks


Recommended Private "Heartbeat" Configuration on Cluster Server

Setting up Cluster service account permissions


How to Manually recreate the Cluster Service Account

Help Topics

Step-by-Step Implementation Guides and Scenarios