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Rsdir Remarks

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

RSDir Remarks

General Information

  • RSDir displays information about the local computer only. You cannot use it to display information about files or directories on other computers.

  • When you run RSDir without a path, or with an invalid or improperly specified path, RSDir displays the Remote Storage status of files in the local directory.

  • RSDir displays time stamps in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not the time of the local computer.

  • RSDir uses the standard set of NTFS file attributes. Truncated (remote) and premigrated files have the Archived (A), Reparse points (P), and Sparse (Z) attributes set. The Sparse attribute, which activates an efficient storage method for zero-filled files, is set for premigrated files even though they are not (yet) zero-filled. Only truncated files are set to Offline (O).

RSDir Basic Display

The following table lists and describes the fields in the basic RSDir display.

Property Description


Non-HSM: The file resides only on the local volume, either because the volume is not managed by Remote Storage (Hierarchical Storage Management), or the file has not been migrated.

Premigrated: The file data has been copied to remote storage, but remains on the local volume as long as space is available. Files that were migrated and then recalled are considered to be premigrated.

Truncated: The file data resides in remote storage. A sparse placeholder file remains on the local volume with a Reparse Point that stores the actual location of the file in remote storage.


A Archive

C Compressed

E Encrypted

D Directory

H Hidden

O Offline

P Reparse Points

R Read-only

S System File

Z Sparse


The physical file size, which is the number of bytes that the unnamed data stream (file content) occupies on the local volume. For files migrated to remote storage, this value is 0.


The logical file size, in bytes, which is the actual size of the unnamed data stream (file content), regardless of its physical location. For local files (non-HSM and premigrated), the physical size is equal to the logical size.

Migrate Time

The date and time that the file was most recently copied to remote storage, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Recalling files does not change this value.

File Name

The name of the file.


The combined size of files stored on the local volume, that is, non-HSM and premigrated files.

Bytes required to recall offline files

The combined size of files stored remotely, that is, truncated files.

RSDir Extended Display (/f)

The /f parameter adds the following fields to the RSDir display.

Property Description

Create Time

The date and time that the file was created, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Last Access Time

The date and time that the file was last accessed, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Migrating and recalling files does not change this value.

Last Modify Time

The date and time that the file was last changed, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Migrating and recalling files does not change this value.


(Recall Count) The number of times the file was recalled from remote storage.

Last Recall Time

The date and time that the file was most recently retrieved from remote storage, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Files that have never been recalled have a recall date of 01/01/1601.


A GUID that uniquely identifies the Remote Storage installation. This ID is used to distinguish installations and resolve conflicts when Remote Storage has been reinstalled as part of a system recovery or reinstallation.

Bag ID

A GUID that uniquely identifies the migration group of the file. A Bag is a group of files migrated in the same job and stored in a single data set (MTF/BKF) on the remote media. Remote Storage uses the BAG ID to locate and recall files.

File ID

This field is not used. Files that are premigrated or truncated have a File ID of 0.

File Version ID

A numeric key used to track changes to premigrated and truncated files.

Data Stream

A unique identifier for the named data stream. All unnamed data streams (file content) have a Data Stream identifier of 0.

CRC Type

The algorithm used to perform the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) on the data stream. Before truncating files, Remote Storage verifies that there are no differences between the local and remote copies of premigrated files.

Data Stream CRC

The value that the CRC generated for the data stream.

DS Size

The size of the migrated data stream, in bytes. Because Remote Storage migrates only the unnamed data stream (file content), this value is equal to the Data Size.

DS Start

The position of the unnamed data stream in remote storage. This value is the offset of the unnamed data stream (file content) from the beginning of the migrated data for this file. Because only the unnamed data stream is migrated, this value is always zero (0).

Data Size

The size that the unnamed data stream (file content) occupies in remote storage. Because Remote Storage always migrates file content as a unit, this value is either N/A, meaning zero (for local files), or it is equal to the logical file size (for truncated files).

Data Start

The position of the unnamed data stream in remote storage. This value is the offset of the unnamed data stream (file content) from the beginning of the file. Although only the unnamed data stream is migrated, this value is not zero because the data stream is preceded by MTF block headers.

File Size

The space that the file and its metadata occupy in remote storage, in bytes, also known as size on disk. In addition to the unnamed data stream (file content), this value includes the size of file system metadata, such as Reparse Points, and named streams.

File Start

Position of the file in remote storage. This value is the offset of this file, including file metadata, from the beginning of the remote data set for its Bag (migration group).

Ver Type

The algorithm used to perform a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) on the entire migrated data set (the MTF/BKF, not just a particular data stream).

Ver Info

The value that the CRC generated for the entire migrated data set.

See Also


Rsdir Overview
Rsdir Syntax
Rsdir Examples
Alphabetical List of Tools
Rsdiag Overview
Iologsum Overview
Health_chk Overview
Ftonline Overview
Filever Overview
Efsinfo Overview
Dmdiag Overview
Dskprobe Overview
Diruse Overview
Dfsutil Overview
Connstat Overview
Cabarc Overview
Bitsadmin Overview