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Configuring Advanced Settings

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

The Advanced Settings dialog box enables you to review specific compatibility-evaluator information, as it applies to your data-collection package. In addition, you can modify other settings, such as whether to disable registry logging, the maximum amount of disk space to use, and whether to include filtered applications if you are creating a DCP to evaluate your Windows® updates.

To view specific compatibility-evaluator information

  1. On the Collect screen, click File from the toolbar, and then click New.

    The New <DCP_Name> dialog box appears.

  2. Click your deployment type, such as Deploying a new Operating System or Service Pack, and then click Advanced.

    The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.

  3. Review the selected compatibility evaluators, selecting the evaluator name to see its description details, and clearing the check box if you do not want it to run in your environment.


If you turn off a compatibility evaluator from this dialog box, you will not receive the associated data when you synchronize with Microsoft. For example, if you turn off the Windows Compatibility Evaluator (WCE), you will not receive data about Windows-related compatibility, such as issues with deprecated components.

To configure additional settings for the evaluation of Windows updates

  1. In the New <DCP_Name> dialog box, click the Applying Windows Updates deployment type, and then click Advanced.

    The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name box, select Update Compatibility Evaluator, and then click Settings.

    The Compatibility Evaluator Settings dialog box appears.

  3. Modify the settings, based on the following:

    • Disable file-open logging: Select True to disable the logging of file-open events to the UCE Event Tracing Log (ETL) file. Select False to enable the logging.

    • Disable registry logging: Select True to disable the logging of registry events to the ETL file. Select False to enable the logging.

    • Include filtered applications: Select True to enable the logging of filtered-application events generated by the Windows operating system to the ETL file. Select False to disable the logging.

    • Maximum disk usage (%): Specify the percentage of free disk space that UCE can use. Valid values are from 5 to 75 percent. The default value is 50 percent.


After the service reaches your specified limit, it stops logging events. Therefore, an application's dependency might go unreported, which might prevent you from seeing that an application has issues. Increasing the percentage reduces the risk of stopping logging, thus decreasing the chance that you might miss seeing an application's dependency.

  - **Maximum megabytes of total disk space that can be consumed**: Specify the maximum amount of disk space that can be used by the Update Compatibility Evaluator log files. Valid values are 500 to 5,000 megabytes (MB). The default value is 1,000 MB.  
  - **Maximum single Event Tracing Log (ETL)**: Specify the maximum size to enable for a single ETL file. After the log file reaches your specified size limit, a new log file starts. Valid values are 100 to 500 MB. The default value is 200 MB.  
  - **Disable duplicate filtering**: Select **True** to enable duplicate events to be written to the Update Compatibility Evaluator XML file. Select **False** to disable the logging.  
  - **Duplicate cache size**: Specify the maximum number of kilobytes (KB) of memory (physical and virtual combined) that the local cache can use. Valid values are from 1,000 through 50,000 KB. The default value is 20,000 KB.  
  - **Enables keep ETL**: Select **True** to enable the storage of the Update Compatibility Evaluator's temporary ETL file, for diagnostic purposes. Select **False** to disable storage.  
  - **Include operating system components**: Select **True** to disable the filtering of events that the Windows executable files generate during the conversion of ETL files to XML files. Select **False** to enable the filtering.  
  - **Maximum size of single XML file (KB)**: Specify the maximum size to enable a single XML file. After the log file reaches your specified size limit, a new log file starts. Valid values are 1,000 to 10,000 KB. The default value is 10,000 KB.  

See Also


Creating a Data Collection Package
Phase 1: Collecting Your Compatibility Data
Update Compatibility Evaluator (UCE) Technical Reference