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Verify WiFi Alliance Certification

This manual test suite validates whether the miniport passes the Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK) WLAN certifications requirements.

Test details

Associated requirements

Device.Network.WLAN.Base.PassWiFiAllianceCertification Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.PassWiFiAllianceCertification

See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~1 minutes






Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Wireless LAN (802.11) Testing Prerequisites.

This test will take in the parameters listed below in the Command syntax section on this page. The test validates that the device is a properly formatted WFA Certification ID and that you have passed the required WFA certification tests for 802.11/WPA2/WPA, 802.11n, 802.11w, and WMM (STA).



For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Wireless LAN (802.11) Tests.

More information

Command syntax

Command option Description

WFA_CID String

WFA Certification ID


Defines whether the miniport passes the WFA Core Wifi.


Defines whether the miniport passes WFA 11w Certification.


Defines whether the miniport passes WFA WMM Certification.


Wireless LAN (802.11) Tests



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