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WITT I2C Controller Test - Basic Tests

The Windows Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) Testing Tool (WITT) basic controller tests verify Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK)Windows® Simple Peripheral Bus (SPB) compliance and read/write operations. The following tests are included:

  • Basic_Write_Test

  • Basic_Seq_Test

Test details

Associated requirements

Device.BusController.I2C.HCKTestability Device.BusController.I2C.SPBRead Device.BusController.I2C.SPBSequenceIOCTL Device.BusController.I2C.SPBWrite

See the device hardware requirements.


Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~10 minutes







The controller supports write to standard, fast and fast plus I²C devices, with proper start and stop bus conditions before and after I/O.

The controller must support write data packet size from 1 to 4K bytes; in this test, data integrity is verified. The Read Simple Peripheral Bus (SPB) request is completed by using the SPBRequestComplete DDI.

Test details

Associated requirement(s)


See the device hardware requirements.


System on Chip (SoC) reference platforms: Windows RT (ARM-based)Windows 8 (x64)Windows 8 (x86)

Run time

~<5 minutes





The controller must support a basic write-read sequence with a restart condition in the middle, and a start/stop condition at the start and end of the sequence.

If the controller supports complex sequence (Write-Write-Read-Read-Write-Read), it should have a restart condition between each I/O. If the controller does not support a complex sequence, a warning displays. In the latter case, the controller must fail the complex sequence request by using Status_Not_Supported.

The controller must support a delay parameter in sequence input entry and a buffer list parameter for input and output.

Data integrity and sequences are verified for these sequences.

The controller must support write data packet size from 1 to 4K bytes; in this test, data integrity is verified. The Sequence SPB request is completed by using the SPBRequestComplete DDI.

Test details

Associated requirement(s)


See the device hardware requirements.


System on Chip (SoC) reference platforms: Windows RT (ARM-based)Windows 8 (x64)Windows 8 (x86)

Run time

~<5 minutes




Running the tests

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements WITT I2C Testing Prerequisites.


For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Bus Controller Testing.

Device.BusController Testing



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