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The test verifies that if the device supports sending contact geometry, the device can accurately report contact geometry within required tolerances.

Test details

Associated requirements


See the device hardware requirements.


Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~2 minutes






Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Mouse or other Pointing Device Testing Prerequisites.

In addition, this test requires the following additional hardware:

  • Quantity 2: 7mm diameter capacitive contacts

  • Quantity 2: 9mm diameter capacitive contacts

  • Quantity 2: 11mm diameter capacitive contacts

  • Quantity 2: 7mmx11mm elliptical capacitive contacts

  • Quantity 2: 9mmx14mm elliptical capacitive contacts

  • Quantity 2: 11mmx16mm elliptical capacitive contacts

Precision contacts are required for this test. You must use a precise mechanism such as a PT3, other precision rig, or robot to place the contacts.

  1. Start the test.

  2. If the device does not support geometry, tap to automatically pass all 24 iterations.

  3. If the device supports geometry, perform the following steps:

    1. For iterations one and two, place one 7mm diameter contact anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    2. For iterations three and four, place one 9mm diameter contact anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    3. For iterations five and six, place one 11mm diameter contact anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    4. For iterations seven and eight, place one 7mmx11mm elliptical contact with the major axis vertically aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    5. For iterations nine and ten, place one 7mmx11mm elliptical contact with the major axis horizontally aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    6. For iterations 11 and 12, place one 9mmx14mm elliptical contact with the major axis vertically aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    7. For iterations 13 and 14, place one 9mmx14mm elliptical contact with the major axis horizontally aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    8. For iterations 15 and 16, place one 11mmx16mm elliptical contact with the major axis vertically aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    9. For iterations 17 and 18, place one 11mmx16mm elliptical contact with the major axis horizontally aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    10. For iterations 19 and 20, place two 7mmx11mm elliptical contact with the major axis of both contacts vertically aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    11. For iterations 21 and 22, place two 9mmx14mm elliptical contact with the major axis of both contacts vertically aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.

    12. For iterations 23 and 24, place two 11mmx16mm elliptical contact with the major axis of both contacts vertically aligned to the touchpad anywhere on the touchpad for five seconds.


For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Input Testing.

More information

Command syntax

Command Description

ptlogo.exe Test.Geometry.json

Runs the test.


File list

File Location










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