STRINGTABLE Resource (Windows CE 5.0)
This resource-definition statement specifies one or more string resources for an application. String resources are null-terminated Unicode strings that can be loaded as needed from the executable file, using the LoadString function.
STRINGTABLE [[optional-statements]] { stringIDstring . . . }
Specifies options for a STRINGTABLE resource. It can be zero or more of the following statements.Value Description CHARACTERISTICSdword User-defined information about a resource that can be used by tools that read and write resource files. For more information, see CHARACTERISTICS Statement. LANGUAGElanguage, sublanguage Specifies the language for the resource. For more information, see LANGUAGE Statement. VERSIONdword User-defined version number for the resource that can be used by tools that read and write resource files. For more information, see VERSION Statement. stringID
Specifies an unsigned 16-bit integer that identifies the resource.string
Specifies one or more strings, enclosed in double quotation marks. The string must be no longer than 4,097 characters and must occupy a single line in the source file. To add a carriage return to the string, use this character sequence: \012. For example, "Line one\012Line two" defines a string that is displayed as follows.Line one Line two
The following code example shows how to use the STRINGTABLE statement.
#define IDS_HELLO 1
#define IDS_GOODBYE 2
IDS_HELLO, "Hello"
IDS_GOODBYE, "Goodbye"
See Also
LoadString | ACCELERATORS Resource | CHARACTERISTICS Statement | DIALOG Resource | LANGUAGE Statement | MENU Statement | RCDATA Resource | VERSION Statement
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